Chapter 33 (*)

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I watch as Kang Seulgi makes her way towards Yoongi. Not only me but everyone was also watching. She then stopped beside the girl who took my seat and whisper something to her.

To our shock, the girl scrambled to her feet and moved to sit somewhere else.

“Hi Yoongi.”

Wait, she knows him? Where? When? Why?

I leaned forward a bit to look at Yoongi’s reaction. His face was the usual scowl and I am glad to see that.

Somehow, I have a bad feeling about this new girl.

“So, anyone remember what we learned yesterday?” Mr.Lee asked and all of us hurriedly take out our notes.

We can hear him sigh and move on to do the recap about what we learned yesterday. He then asked us a question that I know the answer to.

Before I can raise my hand, someone beat me to it, Seulgi.

She answered the question confidently and with a smile on her face. Mr.Lee nodded his head in agreement to her answer and asked us to give her a round of applause.

They did.

I just clenched my hands into a fist as I saw her eyes glance towards me with a smirk on her lips.

The class ended with a sour look on my face. Things just didn’t work well for me today. As I packed my book and pencil case, I overheard Yoongi and Seulgi’s conversation.

“Can you show me around the school?” Seulgi asked while playing around with her perfect ponytail.

I laughed quietly, amused with her attempt to make her way around Yoongi. Girl, you have to try harder than that.


Wait what? Did I heard that right?
I moved a bit closer to them, just to make sure that my ears are still able to hear well.

“Let’s meet after lunch.”

I bit my lips as I heard that word coming out from Yoongi’s mouth. It’s so weird of him to just easily agree to do this kind of thing. It makes me uneasy to see him talking to a girl…other than me.

Wait, Seulgi knows him so it’s possible that Yoongi knows her too..

Are they friends?

I scratched my head as I make my way towards the door. Looking back one more time, I saw them still engage in their conversation. No matter what they talk about, it has nothing to do with me. I mean, he has his right to talk to anyone he wants to talk to.

Who knows Seulgi is his long time best friend? But what’s with my gut telling me to take away Yoongi from her? Is this..jealousy?

Don’t be ridiculous Haru.’

I spend the rest of my time walking around the school, trying to figure out what I should do. I have finished all my homework and all the revisions that I’m supposed to do. Don’t ask how, I just did.

I know that Yoongi have no class in the afternoon too, but I’m sure he’s busy being Seulgi’s tour guide.

I laughed at the thought of him complaining of being tired from walking around too much. But he won’t do that because he agreed to show her around the school.

It is quiet in the hallway. No one is around, only me until I saw Jungkook walking in the opposite direction from me.

He stopped walking when he saw me and I did the same.

There is this awkward silence between the two of us as we stared at each other.

He takes a step forward and again until he is two feet away from me. I can now see his face clearly. His hair is a mess and he looks like he hasn’t shave for days. He has dark circles under his eyes and he look tired. What happened to him?

Oh bitch, it’s your fault.’

I gasped when my own words knocked the breath out of me. I remember the last time we talked and it ended very badly. Seeing him like this hurts me.

“I’m so-.”

Before I can finished my sentence, my head hit a hard chest as Jungkook engulf me around his arms. I feel his hand stroking my hair and his other hand resting on my back.

“Look what you did to me.” he whisper. “I want to stay away from you but I can’t.” he continued and hold me tighter. “I shouldn’t be doing this.”

As if realisation just hit him, he let go of me but I put my arms around his waist, not letting him go.

“Please stay..”

Some of you might think that I’m a bitch for doing this to him. I hate myself too but I can’t just leave after seeing him like this. I know that things will get complicated even more after this but it doesn’t feel right leaving him hanging like this.

I am not boasting but I do realised that he and Yoongi have been fighting over me and it doesn’t feel good to be in the middle of all of this.

I love them both. I love both Yoongi and Jungkook but I don’t know which one of them that I love, not as a friend but more than that. I’m really confused. So confused that I don’t know what to do anymore.


“You look like a mess.”

Jungkook look up from his meal and smiled. He then told me how he was ‘lost’ after the night that we fought. So today, I want to clear things up for him. To put an end to this roller-coaster twist.

“I’m really confused right now..” I started. “I’m confused about my feelings for you..and for Yoongi.”

His face turns sour when I mentioned the name. Apparently, he don’t like it when I mentioned Yoongi’s name in our conversation but I have to bring him up.

“You know that I’ve been waiting for you for so long, right?” he look at me.

“Please don’t do this to me..”
I am on the verge of crying.

“Stop it Haru! You’re the one who should stop torturing me!” he was whispering but his voice was so desperate that tears started to roll on my cheeks. I tried to focus on his words but my head feels really painful.

“Can’t you see all the things that I did for you?”

“Jungkook stop..”

“I work hard just to get your attention.”


“Can’t you- Haru? Haru!”

His panicked voice was the last thing I heard before everything turns dark and my head hitting something hard.

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