Yana's POV
As I woke up and tried to get out of bed, none other than Taekwoon pulled me back in, "It's cold," he continues to hug you. "How was rehearsal?"
"The same thing over and over again," he kissed my cheek. "I have to ask you something though," I turned around to see his face. "Those papers I saw on the dining table about Nami."
"Oh right, I was going to tell you about her but you came home late," I sat up along with Taekwoon so I could talk properly. "She's going to get sacked because of the numerous reports that she has been receiving from parents and students and those who reported also talked about me since all she did was planning to ruining me or something like that."
"Why didn't you tell me that you've been treated like that?" I sighed.
"You rarely get sleep, you have stress with your work. You sometimes come to the apartment grumpy with whatever happen. Do I need to tell you to add extra baggage?"
"You are my fiancé Yana, it's extra baggage for you since you kept it bottled in for so long. We are having a baby together and I don't want you to have the stress, besides what exactly did she say?"
"I thought you read it," he shook his head. "I took a glance but it would be better if I asked you about it first... I will get the papers for you," he quickly jumped out of bed and went downstairs.
Taekwoon's POV
It hurts me to see that Yana is being treated horribly by one person to the point where that employee will be fired. Even though she's in maternity leave, she was still treated that way behind her back instead of respect.
After getting the papers, I decided to check the mail box to see if there was anything new. As I stepped outside, it was a bit chilly so I had to hurry and get back. Seeing one big envelope and the other important stuff, I checked who is it from but it had nothing but my name and address.
Suspicious with the packaging, I opened it up and took out the contents. "What the fu*k?!?!" There was photos of a bloody murder scene particularly showing a dead wife and child. "No."
I ran back to the room and see that Yana was on her phone. "What's wrong?" She saw me all frazzled and scared.
I calmly sat back down and gave her the envelope. "Look." I would hate showing Yana this but she needed to know. "What the heck?!?!" The same reaction was shown, "Angela did this. It's too obvious."
Looking at the photos, she was giving s clear message to us that she is out waiting for the right time. I took the photos away from Yana and gave her the letter.
"Dear Jung Taekwoon.
I just wanted to kindly ask you to leave Yana before it gets worse. I know you make smart choices and think wisely but being with Yana is the biggest mistake you will ever make. Even though she is gone, she managed to get me out of my job of being a teacher. The fact that I am more suitable for you makes me laugh that you're with someone like Yana.
If you're wondering why I sent you those photos. It will be there to help you with thinking about your choices.
If you are planning to report me, don't bother because I am many steps ahead of you.
From Angela Nami..."
This made me feel disturbed and uncomfortable. "Taekwoon, you know that everyone is supporting us but that one person right? We can do a lot of things so she can stop."
"Can't you see what she is trying to do us, especially to you?! She is out there to kill you for her own content. I can't let this hide, even if I am risking myself more."
Should I go? Should I stay? [VIXX LEO/ Jung Taekwoon Fanfic]
ФанфикWhenever I look at people in love, I cringe. It looks like a hole, I can't get out of. How would they let themselves be like that? What happens if that happened to me? I can't let that happen. To me at least. I don't want to waste time, it should...