Chapter 6| Reminiscing about Yesterday

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Yana's POV

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Yana's POV

Taekwoon kissed me, I lay in bed reminiscing what happened. We're not an official couple, I flail around, face slamming my face onto the pillow, "Did that really happen?" I muffled out. I turn back around and face the ceiling. "I know that he would rather, talk about it at school than online," I said to myself standing up, taking myself to the shower.

Taekwoon's POV

I smile at the piano sheets, "I can't believe, I just did that." I placed the sheets back into my music book and I laid down on my bed, looking at a photo of Yana. I smiled at it and made it my wallpaper like I would have done ages ago. "TAEKWOON-ah COME DOWNSTAIRS!" I hear Omma call. I put my phone in my pocket, and quickly headed downstairs where Omma and appa are seated. "Yes, Omma?" I said sitting down. "Well the agency said that they can take you to within 3 months and they'll enrol you to a school there so you are able to train," said Omma. "So I passed?" I said. "Yes you did, I am so proud son. Now give your old man a hug," we all stood up and grouped hug. "I can't wait for your future works," said Omma.

"Since you're leaving in three months, just for now please don't get a girlfriend. We want you to concentrate in your remaining times here," said Appa. "I'll try," I said unsure. "Great, you can go back to your room and resume to what you're doing," they sat back down and watched TV while I went upstairs. "No girlfriend? I couldn't. I love Yana, I want to enjoy my last 3 months with her," I closed the door. "How will I tell her this?" I said.

"The box," I opened my closet and saw the box ready for her, I took it with me and looked through it. "I haven't written enough letters, especially about this," I said. I placed the letters back into the box and went to my study table to write more.


"I am finished, I hope she'll understand." I placed the last few letters into the box and back into the closet. Yana's birthday is near, she'll know soon. I hope we could maintain a long distance relationship. With all those thoughts running through my mind, I drifted to sleep without even knowing.

~Next Morning~

Yana's POV

"I guess they went to work early," there was no sign of omma and appa. I packed my bag, ate breakfast and got ready. I couldn't sleep well last night, I was tossing and turning. That was a first kiss and I didn't expect it to be like that. "Ahhh stop thinking about that Yana," I slap my cheek. "I'm going to be late, if I don't catch this bus," I quickly picking up my bag and rushing out.


I walk to my usual hangout spot and sat down to wait for Jessica and Adrian. After a while of listening to music, Jessica came, "Looks like Adrian will be late again," she said. "Yeah, probably styling his hair, you know him," I said taking off my earphones. "So, what happened at the music room?" she said so eager to know. "Well nothing happened, he just needed my opinion on a composition he wrote," I said. "Nothing, yeah right," she said. "What? That was happened," I said. "Well when we were both going home and we chatted for a while, your lips seemed bigger than before. So I was spectacle about it," she said.

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