going home- chapter 65

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Today we were going home. I was excited and ready. Being in the hospital has been a long enough stay. I just wanted to be home. I wanted to sleep in my own bed and be around my own stuff. The babies and I just had one more check before we could go. They had to check us one more time. Soon we were going to be straight out of here. 

The doctor came in. The babies were in their cute little outfits. He checked their heartbeats. I looked at me " everything good.." He smiled " very well... good for 36 weeks... they are very healthy.." He looked at me " your all well on your way...just take it easy... no heavy lifting for about a month... enjoy the babies... i'll have a  nurse get the discharge papers ready.." 

We waited and finally 2 hours later we are ready for discharge. I was happy to be going home. The nurse wheeled me to the car. Matt looked at me " you ready?" I smiled " more than ready..." Matt secured Kyla and Theo into their car seats " ready to go..." The nurse smiled " your all good... take care!" We both smiled " thanks so much!" 

I sat between the babies. I smiled " your gonna love the house... it's nice and your going to grow up there and get so big...." I started to cry. Matt looked through the mirror at me " Gabby are you crying....?" I nodded " maybe..." He looked at me " please don't cry..." I forced a smile " ok..ok. it's hormones..." Matt reached his hand back " I know were great... we have our babies!" 

We got home and Matt got the babies inside " here we go... this is your home.." 

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