Chapter 53 - big shock

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Hey peopleeee

Right, I know this chapter is really dramatic, but I've been thinking about making this happen for a while and I was running out of ideas so here we are.... hopefully you enjoy it and it's not too much or anything :) if you don't let me know and I may even go back and change it or something but anyway get ready lol... it's very sad :(
Love you guys xoxo

Beaus POV

I answered my phone.

***are you the son of Gina brooks***

"Yeah" I replied.

***im so sorry, she was in a car crash***

"Is she okay" I said alarmed my body starting to shake.

***I hate to tell you this, she hasn't made it***

In that moment my world came crumbling down, I sank to the floor dropping the phone as I did so, my whole body in pain, trembling with fear.

Luke ran over to me, loud sobs leaving my body. He helped me up and sat me on the couch.

I saw my little brothers confused yet scared faces looking for an answer on my face.

You see this kind of stuff happen in movies, you never think it's actually going to happen to you, and now I have to tell my little brothers.

Sobs continue to leave my body, I am shaking aswell, scared of the unknown that Is ahead.

"Beau what's happening?" Jai asked fearfully.

"M-mums d-d-dead, car crash" I mumbled, they understood though, another loud cry came from my throat, realising the reality of what had happened.

"What, why are you lying, mum couldn't have died" Luke stated, not wanting to believe it.


I suddenly took him into a hug, he collapsed into me as deep yet angry cries left his mouth.

Why did this have to happen to us, it was unfair, I guess life isn't fair.

Luke grabbed the hem of my shirt, sobbing into my chest.

I looked over to Jai, he was sat staring into space.

"Jai" my voice croaked.

He continued to stare or the table.

"She can't be gone Beau" he whispered.

"Im so sorry bud" I managed to get out, through my own cries.

"It doesn't make sense" he whispered again.

"Come here" I said, I could see in his eyes that he was ready to brake.

Luke was still silently sobbing into my shirt, jai slowly slid over to me, a tear hadn't left his eyes yet, he looked frozen.

I put my arm that wasn't round luke round him and pulled him into me.

Suddenly he broke, cried louder than mine and Luke's left his mouth, he buried himself into me and Luke, this was my family, we could get through this.

We stayed in this position for a while, crying and coming to terms with what had happened.

After a while our cries quieted and we were silent until Luke broke it.

"We never got to say goodbye" he croaked.

"I know lukey" i said sadly.

"Beau, I can't do it, I can't live without mum" Luke cried again.

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