Chapter 85 - not hungry

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Yo guys I was a bit stuck so I just skipped a bit so I can write about more and yahhh ly guys hope it's okay I can always change it if you don't like it xxx

Ellie's POV
1 week later

The last week was full of me being depressed and they boys trying to comfort me, that's all that seems to happen lately.

Today I had actually hit rock bottom, I couldn't keep going on like this, losing a parent does something to you, it puts you in a depressive state of mind which is hard to break out of, and I'm feeling the effects of that strongly lately.

Since loosing nate everything has gone downhill, I'm a burden to my brothers because I'm just a fragile mess all the time. Also James left the janoskians, it was really dramatic, the fans made up rumours and everything but basically he's left he house and the boys can't afford it anymore. Daniel is moving in with his girlfriend Lucy and beau is finding us a house, just until there done in la then beau says we're gonna buy an nice house in Melbourne that can be ours forever.

I was laying in my bed watching Netflix when Luke called me for dinner.

I walked down the stairs, in the same clothes I wore to dinner the night before, I had hardly any energy.

Beau had been making an effort to make sure we all ate together, he said it was a healthy thing to do, since when did beau get so serious.

As I entered the kitchen the boys, Daniel was at Lucy's, where sat at the table, my plate was laid next to Luke and opposite beau with Jai next to him. I sat down and joined them, beau smiled at me as he ate and I gave him a fake weak smile back, I didn't want to let him know I was about to break, I needed to hold it together, for there sake.

"How you feeling?" Jai said, catching me off guard, all there eyes, focused on me waiting for an answer, beaus especially burning into me for a response.

"Okay" I mumbled, looking down, hiding the sadness.

Luckily they left it at that, no more questions were asked.

We all ate, well I didn't, I as mostly picking at my food, hoping it would magically disappear.

"Eat" Luke nudged me.

"I'm not hungry" I sighed.

"I made your favourite, especially" Jai said, he gave me a worried glance.

I shrugged, I felt mean but I didn't mean it.

"You've hardly eaten anything recently, your getting so skinny" beau said, matter of factly.

"I'm just not hungry okay" I snapped, getting annoyed at there constant nagging.

I saw beau roll his eyes at me and continue to eat his own food.

"Just eat somthing" Jai moaned at me.

"NO" I yelled, standing up, dramatic I know but they were annoying me.

"Sit down" Luke also rolled his eyes.

"Don't tell me what to do luke" I raised my voice at him, I don't know why I was acting like this I had just had enough of them watching my every move.

"Chill El, just eat and forget it" Jai calmly spoke, begging me with his eyes not to escalate this any further.

"Nah I'm fed up with it I'm not hungry" i said loudly as I started to walk away from the table.

"IF YOUR GONNA BE LIKE THAT THEN FUCK OFF" beau yelled in annoyance as I ran upstairs and shut the door to my room, behind me, before collapsing down in my bed.

I'm not angry at them I'm just angry at our situation, at the moment it's easier to take it out on them than anything else, I feel bad but I can't help it, I just explode without any warning.

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