Chapter 61- big brother

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***2 months later***

Ellie's POV

We are back in LA now, we're doing okay, considering everything. Me and nate are really close, he's so perfect. Beau even has a girlfriend, her names Chelsea, she's really nice and I get on with her, I think it's good for him, cause he's so stressed with everything. I feel like everyone is moving on and isn't as sad, apart from me, I'm still an emotional wreck.

Me and my brothers are closer than ever, it's kind of embarrassing but since the accident I haven't been able to sleep on my own, I get too scared, I know I'm a mess. That explains why I awoke in Jais bed, he was still asleep next to me. In a way this has brought us even more close together, we are all each other has left.

Jai stirred next to me, he woke up and looked at me, doing his usual dopey facial expression.

"Morning" he yawned.

I smiled at him.

"You sleep okay?" He asked me.

"Yeh I actually did for once" I smiled.

"That's Good baby" he said as he leant over and gave me a kiss.

He the laid back down.

"Hug me" he pouted, in a little kid voice.

"Why?" I laughed at his voice.

"Cause I'm tired and don't wanna get up" he said.

"Fine" he said, I snuggled up to him and put my head in his chest as he played with my hair.

"What do you think of Chelsea" he asked out of no where.

"Umm, I really like her, she's nice" I said honestly.

"Okay, just making sure, I mean beaus so lost in her at the moment, I don't want you to feel sad or anything"

"Awh Jai Jai your cute" I laughed.

"Don't call me cute" he said as he put me in a headlock.

"Let go" I moaned.

"Nuh uh" he said, we started full on wrestling on his bed, obviously he was a lot stronger than me so he won.

He held me down, "say sorry" he grinned.

"NEVER" I yelled as I laughed and kicked him, trying to get him off.

He started to tickle me.

"Fine sorry" I laughed.

"See that was easy" he said as he got off me.

I giggled, he got up and put a hoodie on, "I was thinking, family breakfast out" he questioned.

"Yehhhh" I beamed.

"You get Luke, and beau, ill get skip and Daniel" he said as he left my room.

I went into Luke's room, "LUKEYYYY WAKE UPPPP" I yelled really loud in his ear.

The brooks brothers Little sister  (a janoskian fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now