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Beaus POV
El had just ran upstairs, she's been acting like such a bitch recently.

Me Luke and Jai sat and finished eating and then played Rock Paper Scissors to decide who did the dishes, Luke lost, and he was not happy about it.

I wanted Ellie to eat something, she's hardly eaten anything today and I'm worried about her, even though I hate the way she's acting. It's like she's pushing us away and the worst thing is I have no idea how to deal with it.

I made her some toast and made her a cup of tea and walked to her room, I knocked on her door but there was no answer, I could hear faint music coming from her room.

"El" I said softly as I pushed the door open, she was laid staring at the ceiling while her music was playing.

She looked up at me and sat up, turning her music down a bit.

"I made you this" I said walking over to her.

"Beau I told you I'm not hungry" she let out an annoyed sigh.

"We'll eat this anyway" I said putting it on her bed side table.

"Fine, can you leave?" She said kinda rudely.

Without wanting to cause any further arguments I nodded and walked out of her room.

"Shut the door" she yelled.

I raised my eyebrows a bit before closing the door and making my way to my own room to FaceTime Chelsey.

Ellie's POV

As is stared at the food beau made me I felt guilty. I know he was trying to help me but I feel like such a weight to my brothers that I've been pushing myself away from them lately.

I slowly at the toast and drank the tea, at least it would make Beau lay off me for a while.

The last few weeks have been full of arguments in the brooks house. Daniel is hardly ever here as he's always at his girlfriends, and Chelsey rarely sees beau anymore as she has a busy work schedule.

I even heard beau and Luke talking about moving back to Australia soon which I would be happy about. I'm starting to go off LA and so are the boys.

I sat in my room thinking to myself for a while before taking my plates downstairs to the kitchen.

Luke was in there decorations cookies, okay then. He didn't say anything and neither did I as I put my plate in the dishwasher.

"What's with the cookies?" I asked him as I turned around to face him.

"I was freaking bored, you done being a bitch?" He didn't make eye contact as he talked, he was obviously still annoyed about dinner earlier.

"Maybe" I said simply as I walked out the kitchen, Luke always took the longest to get over our arguments.


Heyyyyy I'm back!!!
I know this was super short but it was just something I had sitting in my drafts so thought I might as well post.

For the next chapter I'm gonna skip ahead like a year and there gonna be living in Melbourne. Just because it's more relevant and easier for me to write about as it has been so long.

I don't even know if anyone will even read this anymore lol but your comments are welcome as they will motivate me to update quicker haha, sorry it's been so long xoxo

The brooks brothers Little sister  (a janoskian fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now