Chapter 58- funeral

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Jais POV

Today was the day of my mums funeral, I never thought I'd be saying that anytime soon.

We where going to meet the rest of the family at the church across from nonnas in 2 hours.

Luke was awake, he already left out room to get breakfast. I got out of bed and sighed, today was going to be hard.

I decided to go wake up Ellie and Beau.

They where in Beaus room, she never slept on her own anymore, I think she kept having nightmares.

"Yo guys, wake up" I said, lightly shaking them.

Ellie rolled over and gave me a sad smile.

I returned one before giving her a kiss on her head.

I then left, leaving them to wake up.

I went and had a shower, before going back into my room and putting on a white shirt and some black jeans, I didn't really know what you where even meant to weer to a funeral to be honest.

Ellie's POV

I trudged back to my room, not ready for today whatsoever. I had a shower last night so I didn't bother, I just went and looked in my closet. I put on a pale pink mini bodycon dress and a black denim jacket. I know your meant to dress smartly for a funeral but mum would have wanted me to wear something colourful.

I then did my hair and makeup, not really having the motivation to do it very well.

I then walked downstairs, all my brothers where sat in the kitchen, all wearing basically the same thing, black jeans and a white shirt.

"You look nice baby" Luke said.

"Thanks" I smiled.

"Have some breakfast" Beau said as I sat down and he went to get me something, I didn't want to eat anything.

"Nah I'm fine" I said quietly.

"No you need to eat" he said as he started to make me something, protective much.

I sighed, "I'm not ready for today"

"Me neither" Luke agreed.

We where silent for a bit, then Beau put some toast with peanut butter in front of me.

He then sat down opposite and played in his phone.

I really didn't wanna eat, I could feel the nerves in my stomach, today was going to be really hard.

Beau kept glancing up at me, I kept playing with my food.

"Oi eat" he said.

"I'm not hungry" I said.

"It'll make you feel better, please for me" he begged.

"Fine" I said as I started to eat my toast.

Soon after that we where all ready to go, we all got into the car, me and Luke in the back, it was only a short drive.

I felt this strange feeling building up inside me, I didn't even know how to feel right now.

I leaned against the window and shut my eyes,  trying to calm myself.

When we arrived at the church we where met by our close family and then also many family freinds.

Nonno came and took me and Jai into a hug, he then moved to the others.

Jais POV

People we hadn't see for years kept coming up to us and giving there condolences.

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