Chapter 59 - siblings

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Lukes POV

We all got up eventually and went into Nonnas and Nonnas kitchen. Nonna was in there cooking some eggs.

"Morning" she smiled.

We all replied with 'heys' and 'mornings'.

"Want some eggs?" She asked.

We all nodded.

It was nice being around Nonna at times like this.

"You guys can stay for as long as you want, I love having you here" she said.

"Beau maybe we should stay tonight aswell" I nudged him, feeling as though it would be good for us and Nonna.

"Yeah okay, ill drop home and get some cloths" he said.

"And a phone charger" Ellie added.

We all sat down at the table as Nonna brought us our eggs.

"Thankyou nonna" I thanked her.

She sat down and ate with us and Nonno came and joined us, I felt like things where slowly getting better.

"I'm gonna go back to the house, anyone wanna come?" Beau announced.

"Me" Ellie said.

Ellie's POV

I was going to go back with beau to get our stuff, we decided to stay tonight so that we could spend some more time with Nonna and Nonna before we go back to Australia.

"Let's go kiddo" Beau said as he put his arm round me, leading me to his car. He hadn't called me 'kiddo' in ages, to be honest I wasn't keen on the name.

I climbed into the front seat of beaus car, he got in the drivers side.

We then started to drive.

"I'm proud of you" Beau said out of no where, knocking me out of my daydream.

"Mm?" I questioned him, confused.

"Your speech yesterday, and just the way you see the world" he added.

"Thanks Beaujob" I smiled, "I'm proud of you too" i added.

"Why" he asked.

"Cause you looking out for me and the twins and I don't know what I'd do without you" I shrugged honestly.

Suddenly beau pulled over the car into a random car park.

"What are you-" before I could finish beau basically dived on me, pulling me into a bone crushing hug.

He started to lightly cry into me, tearing up myself I rubbed his back, we stayed silent for a few minutes.

He moved onto my seat and placed me on his lap his arms latched around me, he was still teary, so was I.

"Why is the world such a crewel place?" Beau sighed sadly as he fiddled with my hands, I had the feeling beau had been holding this in for a long time, trying to stay strong for us.

"Because we need the bad stuff to appreciate the good stuff, stars cant shine without darkness" I answered his question.

I turned around to face beau, looking into his deep green eyes.

I lifted up his shirt to where his star tattoo was and I traced it with my fingers. (Not in a weird way lol)

"The star is still there, it can never be put out, just like me, Luke, Jai and you, and everyone else" I added, Beau just kissed my head and smiled at me.

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