Chapter 80- doctor

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Ellie's POV
The next day

Luke was even more ill now, he couldn't even get out of bed, Beau was super worried so he called out a doctor to come see him.

"When's he coming?" I asked Beau, we where sat on Luke's bed with him.

"Half an hour" beau replied, worried about Luke.

"Hey, could you go wake up Jai and tell him what's happening?" Beau asked me.

"Sure bro" I said as I got up and walked to my youngest older brother jais room.

"Jai" I said as I shook him awake.

"Mmm go away" he moaned rolling over.

"It's about Luke" I spoke.

"What" he said as he became more alert.

"We called a doctor for him" I told Jai as I sat on his beanbag in his room.

"What time is it?" He asked as he sat up.

"10am" I replied.

"Why does Luke need a doctor" he said in his dopey morning voice.

"He's really sick, worse than yesterday" I told him, he looked really worried now.

"Oh shit" he said as he got up and walked to Luke's room, I got up and followed behind.

Jais POV

I speed walked to my twins room, we were all really worried about him.

Beau was sat on his bed with him and he looked awful, he was all sweaty and I could see the big puffy bags under his eyes.

"Oh my god Luke" I mumbled.

"He'll be okay, the doctors coming" Beau assured me.

"How much longer?" Luke said, his voice raspy and quiet.

"Around 20 minutes buddy" Beau said parting his leg.

He just gave a weak nod.

"I'm gonna go wait for him so I can open the gate for him, Jai stay with him" Beau told me, I nodded he then got up and walked out of the room.

I sat on my twins bed and got out my phone, going on twitter, Luke didn't have enough energy to talk to me.

Ellie also came and sat by me on Luke's bed, she looked kinda worried about him, she just leant up against the wall and played with her nails, she did this when she was nervous.

I sighed as I went and sat against the wall with her, we both stared at Luke hoping he was okay, we had never seen him this ill before.

A few minutes later Beau came up with a doctor, me and El got off the bed and I sat on the chair in Luke's room.

"He's just really tired and weak" beau told the doctor.

"Yeah, he's been sick a few times aswell" Ellie added.

The doctor nodded and did some tests on that on Luke.

"Nothing major just a fever, just make sure he drinks water and sleeps a lot and he should be better within 24 hours" he said, beaus face changed to one of relief as he smiled a bit.

"Thank you" beau thanked the doctor as he showed him out.

"Yay your okay lukey" Ellie smiled.

Luke laughed lightly at her.

I just smiled at him happily.

Beau then came back with a glass of water and gave it too Luke.

"You heard the man, drink water" he said as he put it next to Luke's bed.

Luke laughed a bit before taking a sip.

"Oi El have you done online school?" Beau asked.

"Nooooo" I moaned at my older brother.

"Go, 1 hour" he said as he pointed out the room.

"Dickhead" I mumbled.

"What was that?" He smirked.

"Dickhead" I said again.

"Come here cunt" he said as he started chasing me, I instantly ran out the room and down the stairs beau was running after me, I was running so fast that I tripped on the bottom stair and fell over.

"Got ya" beau said as he sat on top of me and started tickling me.

"FUCK OFF BEAU" I said in between laughs.

"Nope" he said as he continued to tickle me, I was in fits of laughter.

"BEAUUUU STOPPP" I yelled, trying to get him off.

Eventually he picked me up and slung me over his shoulder, he started walking up the stairs.

I was kicking his back as hard as I could trying to make him put me down.

He took me to my room and threw me on my bed.

"1 hour bub" he smirked as he handed me my laptop.

I just rolled my eyes and opened it, "fine" I agreed.

He smiled before leaving my room and leaving me to do my school.

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