Chapter 55 hope

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Yooo guys, pls comment your thoughts and voteee I don't really like this chapter but I'm gonna upload it anyway cause it's fits with my chapters I've already written so yahhh :) I have loads of chapters already to go up so comment if you want them :)))

the next day*

Ellie's POV

I woke up in Beaus arms, I hadn't really left them since we had the news. The twins where asleep in there own rooms, but I needed beau near me, I wasn't ready to sleep alone.

We where slowly coming to terms with everything, I think Beau wanted to talk to us about his plans today.

Beau was already awake, he noticed that I had also awoken.

"Morning sunshine" he smiled, maybe the first time he had done so since the news.

"Morning" i smiled sadly back, taking myself by surprise, yesterday I felt like I would never smile again.

"I never ever thought something like this could happen" I sighed.

"Me too" beau said honestly.

We stayed silent for a bit.

"Hey let's get up and talk the the boys, we need to go over some stuff" beau said getting up.

I didn't say anything I just followed him.

Beaus POV

We all seemed a bit better today, well better as in as good as you can be when losing your mum.

We all sat on the couches Daniel, skip the twins me and Ellie.

This was the first time I had seen Jai in a while, Luke was the one who had been checking on him, he looked a mess, we all did.

Ellie was sat in between Luke and Jai, she was very clingy over the last few days, I mean you can't exactly blame her. I didn't mind though, we made each other feel safe.

"Guys I made some plans" I said, taking on my big brother role again.

"We're gonna go back to Australia for a while, as long as we want, the funeral is in 3 days, so well leave tomorrow night" i said sadly, the mention of the word 'funeral' pained us all deeply.

They all nodded.

Jais POV

The thought of gong back to Australia scared me, it would being bring back all the memories  of Mum, I want sure if I was ready for that.

I got up and left silently, this time leaving through the front door and walking up to the gate, I don't think the others had noticed I had gone, witch was good because I just wanted some time to think.

I walked down the road, I didnt know where I was going, I just needed some time. I reached the local park, I went over to a bench and sat down. I caught sight of this family, there's where 3 boys and a girl playing with who seemed like there mum, I sighed and held my hands.

Ellie's POV

I hadn't spoke to Nate since the news, to be honest I hadn't been in my phone, it just didn't come to mind. He must be really worried I decided to go call him.

When I got too my phone I had like 50 texts from him, he sounded really worried.

He picked up on the first ring.

'Omg babe, why haven't you been answering" he said worriedly down the phone.

"Something bad happened" I mumbled.

"What happened baby?" He asked calmly.

"M-my mum died" I stuttered, another tear escaping.

"Baby, wait I'm coming over" he said as he hung up.

I collapsed onto my bed and started to cry, every time I say it out loud it just makes me completely brake down.

Everything was so perfect, my life was just how I wanted, now it's all gone, and we're going back to Australia tomorrow so I won't get to see Nate or my other friends for ages.

I just sobbed loudly into my pillow, a few moments later Luke walked into my room and scooped me up, rocking me back and forward.

He brung me into his chest holding me there tightly, letting my just cry.

After about 10 mins Beau came in followed by Nate.

"Uh Nates here" Beau mumbled.

Luke looked at me and I nodded, he gave me one last squeeze and got up and left with Beau, shutting the door behind them.

"Babe" Nate sighed.

I looked up at him, I had stopped crying a bit.

He got into my bed with me and we got under the covers, he took me into a hug, kissing the back of my neck.

"I missed you" he whispered.

"Me too" I said, now calming down.

"Awh baby, I'm so sorry" he mumbled, hugging me tighter.

I didn't know what to say to that, I just embraced him more.

"Babe, I have to go back to Australia for a while tomorrow" I mumbled, not wanting to leave him.

"How long?" He asked sadly.

"Not sure, a week or two, maybe more" I sighed.

"Ill call you everyday okay, Ill miss you so much, I'm always here" he assured me.

"Thanks" I said as I hugged him back.

Jais POV

I was walking home, I had just been walking around for a few hours, clearing my head.

When I got home I was met by Beau.

"Where'd you go?" He said quietly.

"Just a walk"  I answered.

He nodded.

"Jai If you ever wanna talk or anything..." he mumbled.

"I know Beau" I said, before I could say anymore he took me into a tight brotherly hug.

As we pulled away, Beau patted my back, reminding me that he was here for me

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