Chapter 75- knife

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Recap) Ellie's POV

If beau didn't trust me I would give him a proper reason not too, I had never felt such an overwhelming feeling of anger before.

Before I knew what I was doing I went into the kitchen grabbed the biggest most sharpest kitchen knife I could find. I took a breath before walking back out into the living room holding it.

The other boys where in here now, Beau turned to face me but his eyes instantly widened.

I held the knife to my wrist and stared back at beau.

Then all the other boys saw and gasped in shock.

"Baby put that down" Jai said calmly begging me with his eyes.

"Pls we can talk about it" Luke joined in.


"Ellie please no" skip said.

I hovered the knife above my wrist, tempted to just shove it in now. It was bigger than  anything I had used before so surely it would leave a lot more damage.

"Pls don't do this" Luke said in a whisper and he slowly started to walk towards me, time slowed down, every second feeling like an eternity.

Luke's steps towards me where small but steady, he was trying not to startle me. I stood there with tears streaming down my face and the knife above my wrist, I started to press it into the skin, it was enough for a fair bit of blood to spill out.

"NOOO" Jai yelled as Luke suddenly tackled me to the floor and threw the knife across the room, I saw the shocked expression of the rest of the boys just standing there.

Luke held me to the floor, I couldn't move. The next thing I knew I burst into a fit of sobs, crying harder then I ever have before, at this moment I hated everything and everyone.

The blood from my wrist had gone all over Luke, and me, I just laid there going limp on the floor.

"JAMES GET A TOWEL" Luke yelled over my crying body and he sat up and sat next to my body that was in hysterics.

Luke's POV

I couldn't believe she had just done that, I didn't even know what to think it didn't seem real.

Jai came and sat next to me and Ellie, he was trying to stop her from crying, James brought me a towel and he also sat down.

Beau had walked off, he had previously been crying, skip went with him to make sure he was okay.

I took the towel from James and lifted up my baby sisters wrist wrapping it around, I wasn't angry I was just shocked, this was the second time today, as I looked down I realised my shirt was covered in blood.

Jai took over and lifted her up and brought her to the couch, he laid her head on his lap, I went and sat in the middle, putting her torso on my lap and James went upstairs, going to check on beau and skip.

Jai played with her hair while I rubbed her back, we couldn't really help her apart from comforting her right now, we knew she did this because she had a fight with Beau.

She was still crying into Jais knees, we didn't even know what to say anymore, we had no words, it had gone way too far.

I looked at Jai and he looked back at me, we exchanged worried glances.

We continued to comfort her for a while, she eventually calmed down a bit and fell silent.

"You okay bub" I whispered as I rubbed her back, she was laid on Jai's legs.

"I don't know" she croaked, from all the crying.

I sighed as I slowly pulled her up and sat her between me and Jai, she looked up at me with big watery eyes, I moved her hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead.

Jai then took her arm that was wrapped up and started to dab at it with the towel, cleaning it up a bit, he then went into the kitchen and came back a moment later with a bandage, I didn't even know we owned them. He put it round her arm, making sure it was secure.

"No more okay" he said as he looked right in her eye.

Ellie just nodded.

"What made you do that?" I asked genuinely curious.

"Beau said he didn't trust me" she mumbled.

"Beaus just angry, it'll be okay soon" Jai said.

"I'm sorry guys, really this time" she spoke.

"I believe you" I said patting her thigh reassuringly, to be honest I wasn't sure if I did, she kept letting us down.

We where silent for a while.

"Are you's hungry?" Jai asked.

We both nodded.

"Lets order pizza" Jai said as he got his phone out and ordered it.

I put on Netflix and put on a movie, we spent the rest of the night eating pizza cuddled up together watching a movie, soon after James and skip came down and sat on the other couch.

"Where's Beau?" Jai asked.

"He's sleeping" Skip said.

"Is he okay?" I asked, worried.

"He's just a bit shocked" skip replied.

I nodded.

As it got later I was starting to get tired so I decided to go to bed.

"El, your gonna sleep in my room" I said, not wanting her to be alone.

She nodded as she hugged Jai and followed me upstairs to my room, she went into my bathroom for a few minutes before coming out and getting into my bed. I used the bathroom before getting into bed with my baby sister and pulling her close into me so I knew she would be safe.

Hope you enjoyed xoxo


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