Chapter 82- fight

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Luke's POV

I woke up with Ellie's head still on my chest, sleeping after last night when she found out Nate cheated on her and she destroyed her room.

I played with her hair and laid there thinking until eventually she woke up and looked up at me, "morning sleepyhead" I joked.

"Morning lukey" she said as she laid her head back on my chest.

"How you feeling" I asked her.

"Sad" she said monotone.

"Aww, it'll be okay, you don't need him" I said as I rubbed her back.

Suddenly she started to lightly cry into my chest as she thought about what had happened.

"Hey bub, its okay" i soothed as I rubbed her back, I felt so bad for her.

She just continued to lightly cry into me, I didn't say anything I just hugged her, making sure she was okay.

"Sorry" she mumbled.

"For what?" I asked confused.

"Always being sad" she croaked, that broke my heart.

"It's okay bub" was all I could say as I brought the bed cover all the way over us and I snuggled into her holding her close.

Jais POV

I was furious with Nate, I wanted to go round his house and have a go at him.

I didn't do anything last night because Ellie was upset, but this morning I woke up and I couldn't contain my anger anymore.

I got up and couldn't even be bothered to get dressed properly I just threw on yesterdays cloths. I then jogged down the stairs, everyone one else was still asleep so there was no one that could stop me.

I grabbed Beaus car keys on the side and quietly opened the front door making sure nobody would hear me.

Technically I couldn't drive in the USA only in Australia, I was breaking the law but it was for a good reason. Beau would also go mental that I took his car but in the moment I didn't care.

I jumped in his red jeep and sped away before anyone could say anything or notice me.

Nate's house wasn't that far away so i was there in no time, I parked up right outside and got out and banged on his front door.

Luckily he was the one who answered the door, he didn't get a chance to get a word in before I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pinned him up against the wall.

"HEY MAN WTF" he yelled, acting innocent.

"HOW DARE YOU HURT MY SISTER" I yelled right up in his face, trying to scare him.

"I-I d-didn't" he stuttered, obviously intimidated.

I punched him right in the stomach, my anger getting out of control.

"YOU FUCKING CHEATED ON HER YOU CUNT" I screamed at him, pushing him hard into the wall.

"I didn't mean too" he whimpered scared of me.

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