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I don't know how long we sat there for staring at eachother but it must've been at least a solid minute.

"I.. I'm Finn." He said. He had very nice cheekbones. He had dark curly hair and dark eyes. He was kinda... cute.

Stop it Millie you just met him.

"I'm Millie." I said as I shook out of it and sat the the seat diagonally to the back of him.
"Oh, Hi!" The red headed girl says taking off her headphones.

"Oh sorry I didn't know you were sitting here, ill mo-"

"No stay!" She says smiling as I sit back down.

"I'm Sadie!" She puts a hand out for me to shake.

"I'm Millie." I say shaking her hand.

"I see you've met Finn?"

"Uh ya I just fell into him, literally." She laughs.

"He's sweet don't worry. And kinda cute."

"Do you like him?"

"Oh god no, he's like my brother. We're in the same 'group'" she says quoting the word group. I look back over at Finn he quickly turns away when I face him.

"What do you mean?"

"Like my friend group. You'll meet the guy I like soon his stop is coming up. Maybe you could join us at lunch and I could persuade them to let you join."

"Ya sure!" I was relieved that I finally had met someone new.

"You'll like them, there's -" she got cut off by the bus screeching to a stop

"FINLARD!!!!" A voice calls while he jumps into the seat with Finn.

"Gaten!" He says looking up from his phone and high fives him.

"Sadie! What's up??"

She starts to blush, "Nothing much, what about you."

"Ah my life is pretty boring." She laughs again. I look over at Finn. His head is down but he immediately looks up and slightly laughs when he sees me looking at him. I quickly smile and look away. God that was embarrassing.

"Who's the girl?" Gaten asks.

"Gaten meet Millie, Millie meet Gaten." Sadie responds.

"Hey Millie!" Gaten says smiling. I see that he doesn't have front teeth. I decide not to ask him now.

"Hi Gaten, nice to meet you."

"You as well." The bus doors close and I can't have Finn looking me ... again and we both laugh.

New girl ~ FillieWhere stories live. Discover now