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since all y'all went ape shit on me lol here's an epilogue

finns pov

i sat on the plane with my hand over hers on the arm rest. it had been a long 16 hours and we were finally there. New Zealand. ever since that night, she's never left my side.

"we're almost there millie." i said as she looked back at me, smiling from ear to ear.

the plane landed as he grabbed both his and millie's luggage and stoop up.

"hey, kid hurry up!" a guy yelled from behind them as they were walking down the isle of seats.

"ya! there's like 4 feet of space in front of you!"
another lady yelled.

thus happened a lot. and finn didn't know why. anytime he was walking with millie, people would give him weird looks.

he grabbed her hand as they got fully off the plane and headed towards a cab to drive them to their hotel.

New Zealand. they were finally there. together. millie's smile never left her face as she looked around vigorously, taking it all in.

"it's... it's beautiful finn." she said taking a deep breath.

"just like you." he responded as he stroked her now longer hair.

"hey kid! stop petting air! if you need a ride to someplace get in and i'll take you!" a man yelled, showing a hint of his accent, from the cab to the left of them.

petting air? what does he mean?

he thought nothing of it as he dragged their luggage to the back of the car and put it in the trunk.

"don't forget your seatbelt mills!" he said. she often forgot to do things like that, finn usually helping her out.

"who's mills?" the driver exclaimed from the front seat.

"uh, my girlfriend? she just got in the car." finn said pointing to the girl he loved.

"hate to break it to you kid, no ones sitting there. are you okay?"

finn was confused. no ones sitting there? ya, of course someone was! he saw millie saying right there in front of his eyes. but suddenly, she wasn't there. his head started to hurt, he had flashbacks often, of memories him and millie had. they would talk about them for hours after he had them. but this one, this one seemed different.

flashback to december 21st, one year ago

finn sat in the hospital waiting room. his leg nervously bounced, waiting to hear the news on millie. he had been there for hours, he called his alongside millie's parents as he followed the ambulance from school to where he is now. they had been there, waiting, just like him. a doctor came out, one of the many that have in the past few hours, and again. finn hoped he was the one who would tell finn the good news.

"anyone here for a millie brown?" the doctor said as he looked up from his clipboard.

i immediately sprung up, as did millie's parents.

"i, i uhm. i have news on her." he said walking over to where we sat. "millie was hit as you know. the impact of the car, was strong enough to not only knock her out, but to cause severe damage to her brain. so much damage in fact, that she indeed will not make it. there is no chance, with the amount of blood she has already lost. i am so sorry." he said as he bowed his head and walked back into the endless hallways of pain and death where the patients lied.




he would never see her again, not alive at least. he would never hear her laugh. or see her smile that lit up a room. never tell anymore jokes that cheered anyone up. finn couldn't ever hold her again. kiss her. tell her how much she means to him. it was too late. she was never coming back.


end of flashback

finn couldn't feel the breathes coming out of his lungs. he couldn't move.

all this time, they've been right. they've told me i'm crazy. no one told me the truth. i've been living a lie.

i thought it was all a dream, the night. i woke up next to millie, i knew it was all fake. but little did i know. i was just out of my mind.

i ran out of the cab, kept running and running. i don't know where i'm going but i don't know if i want to know.

i ran down all the cars. all the ones waiting at the airport to see the ones they loved come home.

that would never be me. she would never come home. she's gone.

tears started to fall from my eyes

this can't be true. it can't be

i repeated to myself over and over. i ran across the street. my eyes were wet with tears. i stopped to wipe my eyes, i could barely see. 

my ears rung.

my body flew.

i couldn't see.

i couldn't hear.

i couldn't breathe.

i was with her now.

and i was okay with it.


yes millie had died.

yes finn had been seeing her as a figure of his imagination, he couldn't bare the pain.

yes finn stood in the middle of the road.

yes finn is with millie now, in another place.

well, i just wanna say a final thank you to everyone who read this book. it has been such a fun ride to be on and i hope to start an actually decent book soon.

i have an idea for one, it would be called

uber | fillie

you can guess kinda what it's about

but ima be posting an intro chapter soon!

so look out for that

i hope you all loved the ending even tho i know secretly you want to slit my throat

but, not all fairytales end with a happy ending




if u wanna go see my bday edit for him go skrt skrt over to ig and snatch a follow to O.SCHNAPP because i love that self promo am i right and i'm almost to 5k too lol & it's my first time using after effects so it sucks ass but it's gucci i can deal w it

but ily all sososos much it's crayzyzyzy so

THANK YOU ALL💞💞💞💘💓💝💟💘💘💓

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