snowball part two // final chapter

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"i'm pregnant"

millie's head spun.

not again. lord please not again.

romeo. the romeo that stole her heart at first sight. the one who she drooled over for years. the one who finally gave into her, who hurt her, who broke her. the one who used girls. including her best friend. the one who just checked another girl off his list. the list that needed to end.

she didn't like maddie. not one bit, but for him to do this to her. that wasn't right.

"no. no. no no no. that's isn't right." millie stood. head to the ground. finns arm wrapped around her slim waist. "i know he didn't change. i know it! i knew it this whole time!" she started to raise her voice as she got even more fumed.

"millie, please. it's going to be okay. we will figure this out." finn said taking her hair in his hands, rubbing her cheek softly with his thumb.

she slapped his arms away, "no! this won't be okay! first, it was almost me! me finn! then my best friend. the one who told me to get out of the mess with him. then she got into it. and now maddie? sadie could be next for gods sake! and how do i know you won't do it to me?"

"millie, you don't mean that do you? you think... you think i'm the monster?" tears started to well up in his eyes. his love, his first real love, his only love, she feared him. she feared that he would turn into the one that first broke her heart.

tears started to stream down finns face.

"i don't know finn! he said he would stop, but look what happened here? did he stop? do you even love me? or is that also a lie? is a thing with guys? do all guys lie?" millie was practically screaming now. her face dewy with fresh tears on her cheeks.


finn thought back to his favorite memory with millie. it was science class. they had to choose a country and study it, make a poster about what it's like there. the weather, climate, ect. he and millie were partners. they got New Zealand. they stayed up nights to work on that. going through all the information and pictures, made them see the beauty in it. the oceans in the beaches were filled with color. and the sand looked as if it was as soft as snow. it was warm there when it was cold here. in fact, it barely ever got cold. they wanted to go there. so bad. finn made a promise to her.

"millie, one day i promise you to bring you to New Zealand. and i will never, ever, break that promise."

she spent days looking at pictures and activities that she wanted to do. she barely traveled, but this would be the place she would want to go if she could go anywhere in the world.

"under one condition finn. you must be with me. or else the trip has no point to it at all."


thinking back on the memory, finn looked back at his girl. even with her makeup smudged everywhere, she still looked beautiful. he hates seeing her sad. he can't bare it.

sadie had her arms wrapped around her torso as the beautiful girl finn calls her stood there. looking at finn.

she had no emotion showed on her face, finn took a step forward, as she took a step back.

"millie please, what did i do? you know i would never hurt you."

"romeo said he would never hurt anyone else. that was a lie too finn!"

"i'm not romeo! i'm finn! i'm the one who takes care of you. who's there when your sad. who's there to try to make your day better, because i know you make mine better everyday. everyday. i'm the one who sneaks into your house at 2 am just because i missed you. i'm the one who wants to travel the world with you, to go to the one place we both want to go, New Zealand."

the mention on the memory made millie look up as she inhaled a deep breath. slowly letting it out.

"i'm the one who wants to spend everyday with you. everyday of my whole life. i'm the one who loves you millie. if i didn't, i wouldn't be saying this right now."

"i'm sorry finn. i, i have to go."

she ran into the school, sadie following close behind as i rushed in after them. quick enough to see them head into the girls bathroom.

i ran over, as i knocked on the door.

"millie! millie please! i know your in there!"

"go away finn! she'll be okay soon i promise you!"

i stepped away from the door as i walked to the row of lockers. sliding down them.

the rest of our friends had gone in. not wanting to see how this "fight" went down.

a shadow covered my arms that were over my face as i softly sobbed into them. i looked up to see no other other then eris.

"eris please, can you go into the bathroom and tell millie to come out? it's urgent."

"finn, i'm sorry. i didn't mean to come off rude to noah that day. i did like him, i really did i jus-"

"eris not the time! please go see if millie's okay!"

"fine but first."

she smashed her lips on mine. i couldn't go anywhere. i was stuck against the lockers.

as if it was on que, millie and sadie walked out of the bathroom.

to see me and eris

her lips on mine

my lips on hers.

i shoved her off me as i wipes my mouth

"eris! what the fuck was that! i'm with millie! she's my girlfriend dude! i love her and i would never cheat on her like that!"

eris shrugged. looking over at a shocked millie and sadie.

"actually finn, you're free to go makeout with her. we're done. i don't ever want to see you again."

finn couldn't believe what he just heard. the love of his life, the one who brought him happiness everyday. she broke it off.

"millie, millie please!"

"no, finn i don't want to hear it." he saw the tear slip from her eye. but no before she could run off. out of the doors of the school.

"nice going dick head." sadie said as she ran off to catch up with millie.

before sadie opened the doors, they heard a scream. not just any scream.

millie's scream.

there was a thud that came from the outside, sadie and finn turned to make eye contact as both their eyes widened and said burst through the door.

being greeted with millie. lying on the ground. blood pouring from her head. a car stopped right at her waist. dress stained with fresh blood and dirt.

finn screamed. millie bobby brown. the girl he loved. was just hit by a car.

"sadie! call the fucking cops now! NOW!" he yelled barking at sadie as she stood shocked.

finn ran towards the weak girls body, cradling her head in her hands.

"millie. please, millie. don't give up now. we are supposed to be happy. we are supposed to be together, forever, i know how cliche it sounds but it's true. we can wake up everyday next to eachother. tell eachother memories of out past. make new ones. we won't have any secrets. we can go to New Zealand. ever since we started that project. i've seen how your eyes light up whenever someone mentions it. you saved me millie. from the day i saw you on the bus. oh, what you did to me new girl."




i might make a epilogue chapter but leave a comment if u wanna see it!

i just wanted to say thank you to everyone who read this. it actually highk sucks and the fact that y'all took time out of ur day to read my book actually amazes me. 74k reads this has. SEVENTY FOUR THOUSAND that's a whole lot!,!,!,! i love each and ever one of you and i really hope you enjoyed this book!

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