caleb and noah

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calebs POV

at first i was happy for sadie and gaten, i had always seen them as if they were going to eventually be together.
noah looked mad though. i wanted to cheer him up, i hated when he was sad. when anyone is sad it just makes me want to barf, like someone had hit me in the stomach with a baseball bat with nails in it. (reference) i ran out tears in my eyes. i didn't know why i was like that, but deep down i did know. i saw finn chase after me and call my name but i just ignored him and went to my car.
"caleb, can we please just talk about what just happened in there? it will all be ok." he knocked on my window and i unlocked the door a few seconds later which he immediately opened after.
"what finn?!" i said in a harsh tone
"caleb, please just talk to me, you can tell me anything and i won't judge, your my best friend."
"it doesn't matter finn!"
"but it does! please just tell me caleb, it will all he alright."
"but finn you don't see, i don't know what's wrong with me!"
"what do you mean? then why are you crying?"
"i don't know, i'm confused! i think...i... i don't know!"
"caleb, why did you run out here? is it because of sadie and gaten? do you like sadie?"
"no! she's like my sister! i don't like her! i would never like her!"
"then why are you so sad, you look nervous."
"because.... because i like noah!" i shouted it out finally realizing that it was true. he looked shocked, as gave me a tight hug.
"i-i'm gay." i choked out

noah's POV

i was mad. no i was pissed. i had liked sadie for almost 2 years now. i tried to hide it because i knew gaten liked her but i couldn't handle it anymore. sadie was my best friend, but i wanted to be more. the way her long, bright, red hair just hung down and her big blue eyes would always stare off into space.
you need to stop thinking about her
i was walking in the hallway when i broke down. i stood against the locker with my hands on my face sobbing. i slowly sat down, knees in my chest still crying.
why would she ever like me?
i don't know why i kept crying, i just needed to let it all out. i slowly calmed my self down and just sat there.
i heard footsteps in the distance getting closer and closer until i saw someone whom i had never seen before.
"hey, are you alright?"


ooooo what will happen to caleb and noah? what about romeo? and who's the new person?!?! i already know all of this sry for the suspense tho lmao DiDnT pRoOf ReAd

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