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DISCLAIMER: if you do or don't ship fillie please don't hate on this story. They are only kids and won't do anything bad in this story I promise. I don't ship it crazily but they are really good friends and they can choose their life!❤️
"Millie are you almost ready?" My mom calls as I try on about my 5th outfit of the day.

"Coming!" I scream back. I'm the new girl. The one that starts the year off with no one to know. Seems like a fresh start but I'm not to happy. I just moved back from England and I don't know one person. Zip. Zero. None. I run downstairs with my blue backpack clutched on my back.

"Your first day of school! How exciting"

"What a joy." I respond sarcastically.

"Don't worry about it. You're going to do great! I know it."

"Thanks mom." I reply while she kisses my head. I have short brown hair and brown eyes. I'm wearing ripped jean shorts and a cropped white shirt, not too short just to where my shorts start. I'm wearing white converse to match.

"Bye Mills!" My little sister Ava calls as she runs towards me and hugs my leg.

"By Aves!" I say bend down and hug her. I walk out the door and up the road to my bus stop. There's no one else there but a girl with bright red hair that looks about my height. When the bus pulls up I start to panic

What if no one likes me?
What if I never meet anyone?
Is this all a dream?

I shake off all the thoughts and get on the bus. The driver looks at me with a slight smile. She has bags under her eyes and her frizzy hair looks like she hadn't cut it in years. I started to walk down the aisle but the bus suddenly started to move. I lost my balance and fell back grabbing the seat and landing in someone's lap.

"Oh.. uh sorry.. I" I say nervously. Great way to start off the school day Millie. I say to myself.

"It's ok, Edna doesn't really wait till people sit." The mysterious boy says uncomfortably. He looks up so I can see his face.

I hope you guys like it! I'm probably going to update it later today or tomorrow!❤️

New girl ~ FillieWhere stories live. Discover now