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For the rest of the ride I caught Finn looking at me a couple more times. He caught me looking at him about twice as much. he's cute. like really cute

Millie you just met him what are you talking about

The bus pulled up to the front of the school and the doors flew open. Me and Sadie walked off with Finn and Gaten in front of us. When we got inside of the giant school  Sadie, Finn, and Gaten all ran up to a group of 2 girls and 2 boys.

"SADIE!!" The girls scream as they all hug.
"Chocolate daddy! Schnapp!" Gaten and Finn yell as the 2 boys look up from their phones and greet them.

"Guys this is Millie! Millie meet Maddie and Grace." Sadie says walking over to me and bringing me over to the girls.

"Hi! I'm Millie." I say nervously.

"I'm Maddie!" One of them say waving. She has long brown hair and the other one waves as well, "I'm Grace!" She has shorter hair but the same sweet smile.

The boys walk over and Sadie introduces them as well. "I'm Caleb." The first one says as Finn looks down.

"I'm Noah, you've already met Finn and Gaten right?" He's shorter than the rest of them.

"Ya, on the bus."

"Cool, well who do you guys have for home base?"

"Mr. Clarke" we all say in unison. I slightly smiled at Finn and he smiled back as I blushed.

"Sweet." Caleb says

We start to go down the hall to the stairs when Sadie comes up to me.


"So what?" I say laughing.

"i see you staring at finn." she smirked


"well, do you think he's cute?"

"Sadie! I just met him."

"I know but you seem to get caught in the moment whenever you look over."


"I ship it." She says interrupting me.

"Sadie, it's not like that." I say smiling faintly.

"If you say so Mills." She says laughing. We are about to walk upstairs but Finn stops.

"Hey Millie?" He asks awkwardly.

"Ya Finn?" My heart is racing. Usually when a boy talks to me I'm fine but for some odd reason i can't control myself.

"Maybe I could show you around the school before first block?"

"Ya, of course!" On the outside I'm smiling but on the inside I'm screaming.

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