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On the way to Sadie's my hand brushed Millie's many times. Each time it felt different then from when I had even held someone else hand.

Yes, I've had girlfriends before, I've kissed people, but I've never felt like this around a girl.

"So uh Millie, how do you like your first day of-"

"BOO!!" Noah screamed coming behind us and putting his hands on our backs, jumping.

"Jesus Noah! You scared me!" Millie said laughing.

Noah smirked at me then whispered, "Your welcome." I was confused and he could probably tell so he looked down at our hands and raised his eyebrows.

She was holding my hand

Millie Bobby Brown was holding MY hand

"We almost there let's keep going." I said. She looked down and I quickly took my hand away from hers.

"Oh sorry." I said.

"It's ok Finn." She said laughing my grabbed my hand back. I smiled at her and she did the same back.

"We're here guys!" Sadie said opening her front door and letting us all in. We went down to her basement which has a Tv 2 couches and a couple bean bags.

Sadie and Gaten sat on one couch, Caleb and Noah on the other and Maddie and Grace on the beanbag. That left one more bean bag for me and Millie to share.

We sat down as Maddie asked, "What do we do now?"

"Wanna play some Mario Kart?" Caleb asks
(bitch challenge me in mario kart ANY day i stg)

"Watch out guys I'm the best at this." I say leaning back into the beanbag.

"Are you sure about that Wolfhard?" Millie asks sitting up.

"You think you can beat me? I'd like to see you try, Brown."

"Then lets play."

It was me against Millie, Grace, and Noah.
"What character are you gonna be?" Sadie asks Millie.

"I don't know, Finn what are you?" She asks looking towards me.


"Then I guess I'll be Princess Peach."

She looked away to the tv but I didn't. I really like her, like really really like her. I know I only met her today but I feel like I've known her forever (dis dope ass shit i'm sorry i'm takin this too fast)
I was in first until our second lap when Millie gained up on me.

"Who's the master now Finn?" She said nudging my shoulder.

"Me." I said as I passed her.

"What! Not fair." She tuned to me.

"Very fair." I said scrunching my nose and turning to her.

New girl ~ FillieWhere stories live. Discover now