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we got to millie's house 5 minutes early so me and gaten waited in front of her house for 5 minutes.
"i'm gonna do it." he said looking in the mirror in the passenger seat
"last time you said that gaten you ran out of the cafe and didn't face sadie for 5 days straight." i laughed
"that was the past me, this is the new me."
"last time i checked, the 'past' you was 2 weeks ago at starbucks." i air quoted the word "past" as he took a deep breath.
"well good luck man," i said "she's gonna say yes."
"but what if she doesn't?! she could reject me and i would be sad forever, could you imagine that finn? i bet you wouldn't, all the girls are after you, could you see sadie rejecting me and going for my best friend? i definitely could.
"gaten, chill you got this! just think about how happy you will be when she does say yes."
"your right finn, i gotta see the positive side of it, when she says no, i can eat all the ice cream i want!"
"that's not what i meant gaten." i said smiling at him.
"ok well i'm going to do it, anyway here they come." the girls open the doors and sat in the back as we greeted eachother.


kinda a filler but gaten is me 24/7

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