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quite a long chapter over 1100 words

millie showed up exactly at 6 and i introduced to her my parents and ate. we then went upstairs to study.
"finn?" she asked
"ya mills?"
"did you ever date maddie?"
"i- uh."
"tell me the truth i don't care."
"yes, i know i'm sorry i didn't tell you but it's a long story."
"well, i've got time." she said laughing as i laughed as well
"ok well, it all started last year. she asked me out, she was nice, average looking you know? we had been friends for a while so i said yes. we were the "it" couple of the school. most popular girl and most popular boy, we fell in love, well she fell in love. i almost loved her but something horrible happened. we were texting and she said 'i love you' and i liked her but it didn't feel right. i left her on read and she lost it. she came over right away but at the same time my brother was leaving to his friends house. they... they crashed, bad, really bad. she wasn't damaged at all but my brother, he..." tears were forming in my eyes and she gave me a warm hug and rubbed my back, "he died millie. maddie killed my brother. i was furious. i didn't talk to her for the rest of the year, she would keep talking to me. i would always ignore her and everyday i would come home and cry because i knew that my first almost love killed the person i cared about the most. my brother. i was stupid for falling for her, i later found out that she was actually cheating on me with some other guy i don't even know the name of. i pledged to never love anyone since then but i don't think i can stick with that because you came into my life." i was crying by now and she was smiling when she heard what i just said, "i... i think i love you millie bobby brown."
"and i know i love you finn wolfhard." she said placing her hands on my shoulders as i was still crying. she pulled me into a hug and i hugged back and we stayed there for a solid 10 minutes.
"you don't have to hide anything from me anymore finn, we both know all of each others secrets."
"indeed." i responded
"one more thing, why do you think maddie told me that you were using me?"
"she told you that? when and why the fuck would she ever say that?"
"today before i came here i went to the park and you guessed it the devil was there. she said that you used to date but then she broke up with you and you were using me to get over her, i didn't believe her of course, just wondering why she would say that."
"first of all, i broke up with her, second of all, she's just saying that because after i did break up with her she would always try to comfort me about what happened. she would bring over flowers or my favorite chocolate or some such. i would always tell her to go away but she would never so i had to block her number and i've never let her get even into my yard since then. i act normalish around her in the beginning of the year because she was best friends with my best friends. they all knew what happened but we couldn't just unfriend her, her and grace were two peas in a pod so we kinda just had to let her back in."
"finn, i want you to know, i am always here for you no matter what."
"same here mills, i don't think you know how much i care about you, not even in the ballpark. i will never leave you millie, even if i would get payed 10 trillion dollars i would never leave you, ever."
"i love you so much finn." she said leaning in
"i love you even more." she stopped and giggled as were we're only a few centimeters away
"i don't think that's possible wolfhard." she said
"shut up and kiss me brown."
she laughed and smashed out lips together. it wasn't a soft kiss either. it was a passionate yet sweet, she opened her mouth a little and i took full advantage. we kissed for about 15 minutes when she pulled away out of breath.
"holy shit finn," she said lying down
"what? are you ok?!" i asked frantic
"ya i'm fine but that was-"
"amazing." she pecked my lips once more as she got up
"where are you going?" i asked
"bathroom, i'll come back and finished our business." she winked
right as she shut the bathroom door the window opened.
"hey finnie," maddie said walking in
"maddie get the fuck out! what do you want?"
"you," she leaned forward and i shoved her off
"get away maddie, i swear get out or it won't be pretty"
"ya obviously if i leave all the pretty is gone!" i scoffed
"get. the. fuck. out. now!" i almost screamed but quiet enough so millie couldn't hear.
the bathroom door creaked a little and maddie jumped on top of me and connected out lips right as millie walked out
i shove maddie off of me
"WHAT THE FUCK MADDIE GET OUT OF MY HOUSE RIGHT NOW OR YOU WILL BE SORRY!" i screamed, not knowing that millie was there
"fine, i'm not the one who texted for me to come over." with that she exited the room from the window
"millie? you heard that?"
"listen i never texted her to come over here look the last time i texted her was about a year ago when she tried to say sorry and i said 'find something better to do with your life then screw others up'" i unlocked my phone and scrolled down to show her.
"never in a million years would i ask her to come over, i hate her, i hate her so much. i went through so much pain because of her and i willl never recover from it."
"finnie it's ok, come here!" she said hugging me tightly "thank you finn." she whispered in my ear.
"for what?"
"for saying those things to her, you have no idea how much that means to me."
"i love you baby face"
"i love you too baby boy"


this chapter is for eleventozier bc HER SEQUEL TO BITTERSWEET IS COMING OUT HOLYLYLYL but this is chapter is 1156 words and go read eris's books they are so good

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