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after we finished eating, finn went upstairs to get dressed. i went home after to get ready because i hadn't brought clothes to finns house.
"mom! im home!" i yelled coming through the front door
"hi honey! how was sadies?"
i ran upstairs, took a shower dried my hair and put on a swoosh
(i love that word idk why ok i'll stop)
of mascara and put on washed out ripped jeans, a black shirt, and a black with white trim bomber jacket. i grabbed my bag and headed out to the bus stop
"hey sads!"
"mills!" we hugged each other as the bus approached
we sat across from finn and he looked up from his screen
"finn" sadie greeted him
"hey sadie, hey millie" i nodded his way as a greeting
"hey fi- never mind i'll text it to you" sadie said looking at me like she forgot that i was there.

sadie🚰: did you ask her??
finn🐶: i chicken out + she would probably say no
sadie🚰: your joking right she would calmly say yes then scream for me and start crying tears of happiness and rainbows
finn🐶: pure lies, i really like her but are you sure she she like me back
sadie🚰: i'm more sure of that then i am of maddie liking you
finn🐶: wait wtf maddie likes me
finn🐶: she's like my sister
finn🐶: i'm oblivious to everything but i would never in 747363796 years like her back
sadie🚰: she knows that but she like REALLY likes you, i say go for millie i ship fillie so hard
sadie🚰: like SO hard
finn🐶: i ship saten
sadie🚰: we sound like the devil
finn🐶: a match made in hell
sadie🚰: lmao well millie is probs getting suspicious ask her today or else
finn🐶: ok ok
finn🐶: i'm still grossed out by maddie liking me, ew
sadie🚰: lol bye


we got to school and sadie kept asking about finn
"sadie! we only kissed like twice!"
we walked to our locker and my phone buzzed

finnlard💩: hey baby face
millster👎🏼: wow that's a new one
finnlard💩: hello to you too
millster👎🏼: i saw you like 3 minutes ago
finnlard💩: i know but i miss you already
millster👎🏼: already? we sound like we're dating
finnlard💩: exactly
millster👎🏼: well then, boyfriend i'll see you soon?

"of course you will girlfriend" he said leaning up against my locked while sadie looked like she was mentally screaming but so was i.
"i'll leave you two love birds alone." she said raising her eyebrows with a smirk walking away.
"that was smooth" i said talking about how he asked me
"you think? i was kinda winging it"
"is that what you guys were texting about?"
"ya, oh and also, don't tell maddie quite yet, apparently she likes me"
"i would never like her back, not in a million years, she can be nice but wait till you see the other side of her."
"other side? she's sweet to me."
"some people aren't how they seem, mills. one minute they're your other half, the next? you don't even have a part in their life, only used to gossip about."
i nodded in agreement
"millie promise me one thing."
"don't get caught up in her drama, rumors will only spread from there. promise?"
"promise." i said going on my tip toes so i was his height and planted a kiss on his cheek
"you going to noah's party tonight?" he asked me
"wouldn't miss it, only if your going"
"only going if you are!"
"see you there baby face"
i laughed at the nickname and walked to my first class, english.
"MILLIE BOBBY BROWN" caleb yelled running over to me grabbing my arms
"WE HEARD THE NEWS" caleb looked so joyful
"it was bound to happen i felt it the first time i saw him look at you-"
"caleb were not in some cheesy movie" i giggled
"did sadie tell you?" i asked and noah and him both nodded in agreement.
"sadieee" i said holding out the 'e'.
"they were going to find out eventually, admit it, you still love me"
"how could i not?" i laughed "but don't tell maddie, finn said she would get pissed at me."
"most likely" she responded as the bell rang and we all got to our seats.


pretty long chapter BUT IM SCREAMING AHHHHH and get ready for either next chapter or chapter after that and buy a screen protector bc you are most likely to throw ur phone🙃🙃

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