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"oh shoot they're there!" sadie said putting down the mascara.
"millie, you look so good." sadie said looking at me through the mirror.
"i can say the same for you sads."
we both had light makeup on but it still made a difference.
we ran outside and into the car.
"hey finn, gaten!" i said sitting in the back next to sadie.
"hey-  uh millie you look... beautiful!" finn said looking at me and biting his lip.
"shut it wolfhard and hit the gas." i laughed
it was about a 5 minute drive and we finally made it greeted by the smell of cotton candy and popcorn.
"finally, every year, millie, we all look forward to going to the fair, it's one of our favorite things to do!" sadie said as we walked up to the ticket booth.
"10 tickets please" finn said as he took out a $10 bill.
"oh finn, i can pay for myself!" i said grabbing my purse but he put his hand over mine stopping it.
"this ones on me!" he said "maybe i could get something in return?" he said smirking.
"you can't get away that easy." i said as i grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the gate to enter the fair.
sadie and gaten were waiting there with their tickets as we walked over.
"what do you guys wanna do first?" gaten asked as we headed towards all the rides.
"ROLLAR COASTER!" finn yelled on the top of his lungs.
"nope, no way!" sadie said crossing her arms.
"gotta agree with you on this one sadie, i'm not a rollar coaster type of gal."
"please! just for us?" they both said tilting their heads.
me and sadie gave in and walked towards the massive coater as we heard screaming while the cart went zooming bye.
"oh, shit" i mumbled under my breath.
"i got you mills" finn said grabbing my hand and squeezing it
we all got in line until we were next.
"great right in the front" sadie said rolling her eyes.
"well, if you throw up, at least it will get on finn and millie and not us!" gaten said trying to lighten the mood.
we all laughed as we sat down and bucked out seat belts.
i don't even remember what happened after that, all i do is us screaming and feeling my stomach drop.
"that was fun!" i said getting off the ride
"what should we do next?" gaten said
"ferris wheel?" finn asked as we all nodded in agreement



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