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redhead started a chat with britishgal, dansizfun, and willbyerswannabe (that's grace if y'all didn't know hence the hair when she auditioned for agt)

redhead: Hey guys!
dansizfun: Hiii
britishgal: What's up fellas
willbyerswannabe: Yo
redhead: Sooo Millie? How's Finn😉😉
britishgal: He's great, but to answer your question that you didn't ask, no we did not kiss lol
willbyerswannabe: Shit
redhead: Maybe next time
britishgal: "Maybe" next time🙄😂
redhead: Do you guys wanna hang tmw?
dansizfun: Ofc! My place?
willbyerswannabe: Yes!
britishgal: Sure!
redhead: Yupyupyupyup

I looked at my clock, 11:47

britishgal: Gn guys see you tmw!
dansizfun : Bye Mills!
willbyerswannabe : Byeee💜
redhead : Toodles ma lady

I plugged my phone in next to my bed and was about to fall asleep when my phone buzzed again.

Finn: Hey Millie!

I smiled at it as I texted back. (Millie's name changes cuz she has a different contact I'm Finns phone)

Millie: Hey Finn! You still up?
Finn: Ya, can't sleep.
Millie: Same
Finn: Well, how are you.
Millie: Great actually, you?
Finn: Fantastic! I was wondering, do you want to do something tomorrow? Like after school? If you don't want to it's fine, I was just wondering.
Millie: Finn, I would love to! But I can't, hanging with the girls tomorrow sry😕
Finn: it's ok, maybe Wednesday?
Millie: Sounds great Finnlard! See you tomorrow!
Millie changed Finn's contact to Finnlard💩
Finnlard💩: Why the poop??
Finnlard💩 changed Millie's name to Millster👎🏼
Millster👎🏼: Ooo nice choice!
Finnlard💩: I try best
Millster👎🏼: Well goodnight Finn!
Finnlard💩: Gn Millie!❤️
Finnlard💩: Oops my hand slipped sry
Millster👎🏼: See you tomorrow Finn😂💜 my hand did NOT slip btw
Finnlard💩: See you tomorrow Mills😊

With that, I feel asleep smiling because of a boy I just met today.

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