Chapter 1 *3594 words*

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"Dean Winchester to the office please" the intercom states flatly. Shit! What the fuck did I do this time, it's the day back from fall break, not even half an hour into school, I couldn't've done anything yet! Maybe it was Luca... or Charlie... or Adam. I swear I'm an innocent bystander. For now......

I glance at my brother Sammy, who dispite being four years younger, is in ninth grade and my junior Advanced Latin class. He gives me a pleading look and I shrug, making my way to the office. I walk in and see someone in a trench coat, someone in a leather jacket with a stick - lollipop, maybe? - in his mouth, and a girl with red hair standing next to Ms. Carson.

"Yes, ma'am?" I ask, eyeing the kids, mostly the one in the coat, he's not looking up, staring at the floor, while the others are looking around suspiciously at everything.

"Novaks, this is Dean. Dean. If you will show-" hell no.

"No" I complain. "Get an O.A."

"They are all sick and besides, there is something in this for you" I give her a look saying go on. "I will make sure you are off the hook for detention until spring break." It's September, so this peeks my interest.

"I'm interested." I incline my head a bit.

"Deal or no deal?"

"My friends as well?"


"Deal" I smirk.

"Dean. This is Castiel, Gabriel, and Anna Novak. Gabriel is a senior but you get to miss class to show them around I know you hate latin."

"Sane stupri odio. Ego amo lingua genus odi" I say, which translates to: of fucking course I hate it. I Love the language, hate the class. I look at trench coat and see him move his bright, almost inhumanely blue eyes to mine. Damn. That is a whole lot of yes. Leather jacket elbows trench coat. Trench coat reaches his hand out like he's going to shake mine.

"I-Im Castiel." He stutters as I firmly grip his hand and shake it, smiling at him. Ha, he looks like a nerd. Wonder if he's into Doctor Who?

"Gabriel" says leather jacket, shaking my hand as well.

"Anna, if you couldn't tell." She says with an eye roll. I nod at her respectivly.

"Nice to meet all three of you. Alright. Gabriel, can I see your schedule?" He nods and hands it to me. First class, gym. "Ha. Good luck. You have gym. Come on you three." I look at his locker number and take them down the senior hallway. "Uh, okay this is your locker. I hope you know how to use that. If not I might scream" Gabriel kinda laughs, and gets in his locker. Castiel is staring at the ground, Anna is looking around. When Gabriel is done, I hand him back his schedule and ask Anna for her's. She's in the junior hallway, obviously, and I look at Castiel's, his is not too far from mine. I take all three of them down the junior hall, telling them what class is where. Once they put their bags in their lockers and get out the necessary books, I take them all through Gabriel's schedule. "This is the gym. But I'll show you where your other classes are before just dropping you in." He nods and hands me the paper. "Okay... Hey. You have advanced history with my brother!"

"Oh, your brother's a senior?"

"No, smart and tall enough to be, though. Technically he's supposed to be in eigth grade but he's a freshman. My baby brother is a nerd, but I love him. Lay a hand on him and I will personally feed you your own dick." they nod as we walk to the classroom. "Ms. Janer. She's pretty okay, just don't be me and you should do fine." He nods as I take the three siblings to the elective hallway. "Art. Taught by Mr. Cornier. Good guy, bit of a dick, but most days he's gone and you'll have Ms. Calliviere. Now she's amazing. Truly, you have to love her." I take them through all seven classes, and take them back to the gym. "Come on." I push open the doors. "Coach Cameron!" I yell. She walks away from the game of dodgeball. "Meet your new student Gabriel..." I look at him.

Ha, Nerd. (Destiel/Sabriel/Michifer/Brief Moments Of Adamdriel)Where stories live. Discover now