Chapter 39 *1226 words*

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We pull into the hospital parking lot, well. I say pull. I mean we fly into the parking lot, swing into the first empty space, throw Baby in park and race into the building. I sent Krista a text saying that we were pulling in, and she is standing in the lobby. She engulfs us in a hug, dragging us down the hallway at the same time. When we get there Luc is sitting on the bed with their knees to their chest in a pair of Mika's stretchy pants and a loose t-shirt, an i.v. still in their arm. They look up when we enter and see even more pain, despair, self hate, and depression in their eyes than I've ever seen. I walk over slowly, they may be weary of men now. They open their arms and I walk over a bit faster, arriving and getting tackled in a hug, everyone setting down, and cuddling.

Two days later

I go up to the doctor that just left Luca's room.

"Hey, doc?"

"Yes sir?"

"Well. I was wondering if I could take them out into town. Get them out of the hospital, a change in scenery, you know?" He nods softly.

"Let the nurses run a few tests on their mental stability and we will work something out." I nod, thankful for the opportunity to get them out of here for even five minutes. I walk back into the room and see them faintly smiling at something that Adam was telling them.

"-and then Dean shoved the fake spider down the clowns pants for scaring Sam, and the Cereal Killer threw a plastic knife at Hannah Montana, who then fell into Bigfoot." I remember that. We were all around seven and it was halloween. There was a person dressed in black holding a cereal box with a knife through it, aka the Cereal Killer. It was hilarious and Luca is smiling and their body raking with laughter, but with now sound other than slight weezing. They look happy, other than the fact that they are in the hospital still being treated for minor stab wounds and various cuts and burns. I don't even want to think about the things those monsters put them through.

Three hours later and we are driving to the nearest walmart. Just us, Cas, and Krista. We get out and walk around a bit before Cas and Krista go off to use the bathroom. Me and Luc wait for them in the book aisle. I see Luc pick up a book, then freeze, staring off into the bakery section. I meet their gaze and see a man. The look of terror in their eyes suggests that he had something to do with what happened. I block their view and ask them silently. They look away, tears in their eyes. I see red as I turn around.

When I regain focus. I'm in the back of a police cruiser. Oh shit. I look at my hands and see bloodied knuckles. I glance out the window and see Luca with their face pressed into Krista's neck with Cas staring at me with a look of horror. I cast back a look of confusion as the car takes off.

"Officer what happened?" I ask the officer who has a bloody nose. "Oh god did I do that to you? Officer I'm sorry." Him and his partner look shocked.

"You just beat the everloving shit out of a random gay guy. That's a hate crime." I distinctly remember the monster holding hands with another guy. "If I were you I'd be working up a not guilty plea."

"Whoa whoa. I'm being charged with, feloneous assault and a hate crime?" The girl nods. I chuckle. "Is now a good time to mention that he raped my cousin? And that I have a boyfriend?"


"Yea. The one in the trenchcoat-"

"Not that. What did you say the man did?"

"Oh. He raped my cousin. Check him for DNA and compare it to the six different results that came back from their tests. I'm sure you'll get a match. And I take my sentence to what, three days? Three months?"

"You are being taken to court." Shit. We can't afford a lawsuit.

"Is he suing me?"

"No. You are being charged with attempted murder"


"Call down."

"NO. You calm down! Okay? My cousin's ex girlfriend and a long time family friend commits suicide. Another friend attempts. My other cousin and best friends get into a car accident and one of them looses their memories, then my cousin gets kidnapped, raped, assaulted, and impregnated by a group of creepy monsters HELL FUCKING NO I'M NOT GONNA CALM DOWN" I seeth. The rest of the way to the station is silent aside from the radio and my heavy breathing. I'm thrown into a holding cell that holds another person. He is much bigger than me, but right now, I am dripping in anger and don't care.

"What are you in for?" He asks politely.

"Beat up this asswagon who raped my cousin. You?"

"Damn all I did was steal some chips."

"We lead different lives."

"We do." The conversation ends. The door opens and Luca and Cas and Krista come in. I jump up and rush to the gate.

"Dean" Luca chokes out. We all look at them mildly shocked.

"Luc I love you but I will not apologize for what I di-"

"Thank you, Dean." They look up to me. I lean my head against the bar. Luca steps away and slings Cas forward. "Make out already you two, you know you both want to." We both put our faces between the bars and kiss briefly, can't exactly do anymore than that...

The day of the trial

I'm sat at the witness booth. As that motherfucker's attorney comes up to question me.

"Sir, what is your name?" I almost say Beyoncé just to be an ass.

"Dean Winchester."

"And how long have you known Mr. Corvel?"

"As much as I'd rather say I don't, I've known him practically my entire life."

"Yes. And your seventeen, correct?"


"Yes, about how many years have you known him?"

"Fifteen. Much like you I.Q."

"So you've known him since you were...?"

"Two. And I retract my previous statement because two seems a much more probable answer to your I.Q."

"Where were you when you beat him up at Wal-Mart?"

"Say that again. But slowly."

"Where were you when you beat him up at Wal-Mart."

"I was at... drumrole... Wal-Mart."

"And was it a hate crime against those who are homosexual?"

"I would like you to keep in mind that my boyfriend is sitting right there." I point at Cas while smiling goofily. He shakes his head and looks at me with a mix of love, confusion, and worry in his eyes.

"So this, was a hate crime against homosexuals?" I look at the idiot in front of me.

"No! You wanna know what it was a hate crime against?" The idiot nods. "Rapists."

The trial continues on like this for three hours.

Eventually they can't let me off, but they can't sentence me to life, so I get three days, and six months parole. I can live with this.

Ha, Nerd. (Destiel/Sabriel/Michifer/Brief Moments Of Adamdriel)Where stories live. Discover now