Chapter 18 *1514 words*

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It's two days after Christmas and we are all chilling out in the hotel room eating left over sweets. Luca is still in Kentucky until the end of winter break. We are in North Carolina with the Novak's for winter break and it's been amazing. Aside from when we were all swimming in the ocean on an island and nearly died because undertoe.

Okay let me explain what happened
(This happened to me and my friend when we were in N.C. same place) We were on this island, that is a two hour ferry ride from emerald isles and we were there, swimming in the ocean, when suddenly we were twenty feet down the beach and slowly being taken out to sea. We eventually got back, after almost having a major panic attack, and then we all went hiking.

Anyway, other than that it has been fun. We've been finding a lot of cool shells and shit. The day before Christmas eve, which was when we almost drowned, we were all walking past midnight outside on the beach and met twenty eight crabs, picked each one up. It was fun. There was a stingray that had been bitten by a shark, and a metric fuckton of beached jellyfish and puffer fish. I'm not joking. They were everywhere. But other than that that it's been fun.

"Lets go walk some more." Lucifer says. Everyone but me just groans and rolls over into their beds. Here is our room: me, Lucifer, Sabriel, Destiel, and Adamndriel. I don't know who is in the other two rooms.

"I guess I'll go with you Luci" I say, getting up. Ah, romantic, a moonlit (it's two in the morning but we are awake) walk on the beach. Tide will be up, but I don't mind. We begin our trip. We mostly walk in the cold water in total silence, listening to the waves and feeling them splash on our feet, seeing the moonlight dance across the surface of the ocean, feeling the breeze that is actually quite chilly. I can't wait to see the fireworks in three days. Mika has always wanted to see the ocean...

"Penny for your thoughts?" He hands me a seashell, a small smile on his lips.

"Mika has always wanted to see the ocean..." I say putting the shell in my pocket.

"Ah. Yea, in the videos she wanted to travel the world with Luca, as she said."

"Yea. They made plans and started saving for it. They wanted to backpack across Europe and listen in on the Sydney Opra House, see Niagra Falls and the Nile. They wanted to climb Mt. Everest, and going deep sea diving. Swim with sharks and go skydiving. They wanted to stand on the Great wall of China and visit the Grand Canyon. They always have."

"I can't imagine what you guys are going through. I mean, in one of my past homes I watched them brutally murder one of their own children then come after me, but I've never had a loved on take their own life." I look at him in shock. "Shit." He looks down. "I ruined the quiet."

"Its okay to ruin the quiet with something important. You can tell me anything, you know that right?"

"It's just... It's just hard, you know? I've been through thirty some odd families before the Novak's finally found me. I don't Think we have time for me to tell you everything."

"We are walking down the beach without a curfew in the middle of the night. If you want to talk, talk."

"Okay." He takes a breath. "My mother died in childbirth and my dad killed himself over it, I know I said I'd never known a loved one who had,  but I was two months old and still in the hospital because of complications. I've never had a stable home, but once, before the Novak's. And I was there until I was five. That is when things really get shitty." We keep walking, kicking water at each other as he speaks. "The next place I was there a month. I was happy and thought it would last. Turns out they did drugs and nearly killed their seven year old by pumping her full of heroine. I was in a home for six months, made friends with a girl named.... Autumn I think. She got adopted eventually. Fast forward two years through nine relatively normal homes, and we get my first actual weird and not dysfunctional home." He smiles oddly. "They... They were normal people out in public and everything... but... but as soon as you got into their house... some people have family businesses, construction, farms, lawfirms, banks, restaurants, well, theirs... theirs was... Taxidermy was their family business." I give him a what the fuck look. "Yea. Let's just say that by the time I left, I could taxidermy a turkey." We both laugh at that.

Ha, Nerd. (Destiel/Sabriel/Michifer/Brief Moments Of Adamdriel)Where stories live. Discover now