chapter 23 *942 words*

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It's three weeks after the incident at Luca's house involving the choir.

We join Gabriel and Sam as they wander through the empty and darkened halls of Lawrence High. They carry with them, bags. What's in the bags? Well, let's just say that 'Morgan' won't be bothering them anymore. You see, they had the entire fiasco on video, and with some of Luca's help editing, they got some interesting audio. Nothing too horrible, but enough so that everyone will think twice about messing with them again. They quickly set up what they need, and get out, walking leisurely back to Sam's place.

Next day

As Morgan opens her locker, with all of her friends around her at the morning rush, out falls a crap ton of tampons (Luca told the boys how Morgan had a fear of them and was embarrassed that people use them) some open, some not, some red from what the boys and their family knows is koolaid, and others not. And then there is the voice recording saying I'M AN ASSHOLE THAT NEEDS TO SHUT MY MOUTH in Morgan's voice on an endless loop. Everyone that isn't her friend laughs, she gets angry and embarrassed and screams, slamming her locker shut and running away.

Nearby the group of weird ass motherfuckers are laughing their asses off, including Luca.

Fast forward to Valentines Day

All of the couple's are being sickeningly sweet and gross. All going out on a date somewhere that nobody but one person in the relationship knows to prevent... Charlie. To prevent Charlie. Gabriel is taking Sam horseback riding, then go back to his house to show his boyfriend what he's been working on. Dean is taking Cas on a picnic with a bunch of food that he cooked himself, then stargazing.

Then there is Michael and Luci. Luci planned this date. It starts out normal, a walk in the park, a picnic. But after that... they are going around town randomly shouting things at each other and playing hide and zeek, scaring the little children. Then Michael comes back to them and apologizes as Lucifer runs away.


Gabriel awkwardly fidgits with the hem of his shirt as he approaches the Winchester's house. Normally he would be in there already, having spent the night, or just bound up to the door and sling it open shouting for Sammy, but this was different. This was Valentines Day. He had never had someone one valentines day before, and he wanted to it right. Of course we was also smelling disticntly of paint because he had just finished what he's been working on forever for Sam like twenty minutes before he left.

He was going to take Sam horseback riding because Sam had mentioned once that he enjoyed it, even though Gabriel had never been. To be honest, Gabriel was kind of scared of horses. What the fuck was with the long ass nose? But if Sam liked it, he'll do it.

And so they went, Sam had to literally put Gabe on the horse he's so short bless his smol soul and Gabe learned that horses might look weird as hell, but are really fun to ride.

As they get back to Gabe's place, he has Sam wait at the bottom as he goes to check and make sure the art is okay. And it is. He brings Sam up to his room. As Sam walks in he is... startled and honoured and blown away. His boyfriend's bedroom walls were complete with random things that the two had done, along with random doodles of their dates, like a life sized locker painted on the wall that looks exactly how they decorated Azazels, a pistol, paint splatter, red lines, and most recently, horses. Sam is taken aback. He never expected the gorgeous artwork at all. He never expected any of this...



Dean was being picked up by Cas this time. Cas has something planned before Dean. Cas locks Dean up at around noon and together they walk through the park before coming to the swingset. Dean pushes Cas on the swings as the two boys talk and talk and talk. Eventually it is time for Dean's plan as he takes Cas down a path and to where he set up the food.
And they eat. The eat and they talk about literally nothing and everything at the same time and its cliche a.f. but it's cute and they love each other. And then they lay back and watch the stars, pointing out constellations to each other and talking about what all might be out there hiding in outer space.


"LUCIFER WHERE DID YOU GO YOU ASS??" Michael screams from atop the junglegym. A few of the kids run past, or stare at him. Parents are giving him looks...

"I AM HERE MY LOVE!" Lucifer screams from up a tree, which he then falls out of. "I MEANT TO DO THAT THAT WAS SCRIPTED!!" A few. Children gather around, and one walks up to Michael.

"Are two princes? Because you to seem very nice" haha haha ha...

"Ummmm yes! We are princes. I am Prince Michael and that is my boyfriend Prince Lucifer. We are here to put on a play for you!" Lucifer glares at his boyfriend, but it melts when he sees the children gathering around for the show. They fight through the beginning but then they slowly fall in love and end it with a kiss. The kids cheer, they loved it!

It was an all around good day.

Ha, Nerd. (Destiel/Sabriel/Michifer/Brief Moments Of Adamdriel)Where stories live. Discover now