Chapter 24 *1994 words*

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I'm sitting in my class after lunch, it being three days after the prank Gabe and Sam pulled. I've dropped contact with the entire choir. Save Jacob. Jacob is now one of my friends and he is a trans guy!!! He is super cool though!! Honestly, and he is in my English class, which is right after lunch. We are watching a video about something, I'm not really paying attention, when my phone starts vibrating against the table. Ms Canin pauses the video as I check it, seeing a call. I stand up and put it on speaker, which is protocol.

"Lace-Luca?" My uncle and the Sheriff of my hometown almost messes up my name.

"Hey uncle Craig. What's shakin Bacon?" Everybody is staring at me.

"Luca I need you to sit down. Are you sitting down?"

"Yes..." I lie, concerned.

"Okay... well, I would love to not have to tell you this... Jamie... have you spoken to hi-her lately." Again, pronouns. But everybody is trying so I can't complain...

"Last night. She was having an episode." Depression is a fucktruck.

"What time?"

"From six until about ten, why?" Oh sweet Jesus please no...

"Cameron... he went to get her up this morning and found her... in her closet."

"No." I feel years start to prick my eyes. "No no no no please tell me-"

"She's at the hospital in critical but she's alive"

"Oh thank God." I take a shake breath as everyone looks confused and concerned. "Wait. He went to wake her up this morning. THIS HAPPENED THIS MORNING AND YOU DIDN'T THINK TO TELL ME!"

"Luca please calm down!"

"I'm okay. I'm fine. She's alive. Right?"


"No. No butts. No fucking butts Craig. She will survive. Put Cam on the phone."


"Put. Him. On the line. Sheriff." I hear him sigh

"He's in shock. The scene... the scene was gruesome.-"

"Put the boy on the phone Peoples!" I hear the his voice soften more than it already was.

"Hey Cameron. It's Luca. They want to talk to you." No response, and a sigh. "Luca he isn't talking."

"Would you if you saw your wife lying in a pool of blood, I'm guessing."

"I am not permitted to describe the scene to you."

"As the Sheriff. Tell me as my uncle."

"Sleeping pill, self harm, and a noose. If you must know." I wince.

"Put the phone to his ear."


"Hey cammy-boo." I use the nickname from like third grade, when Cameron was still Female identifying. "I'm sorry cam. It's my fault -"

"No it isn't! Lulu you can't blame yourself for everything that's not how the world works. I-" his voice cracks. "Please. You can't try to leave to Lulu." I smile softly.

"I'm not going anywhere asshole."

"Good. Neither am I." 

"Cameron! She's taking visitors!"

Ha, Nerd. (Destiel/Sabriel/Michifer/Brief Moments Of Adamdriel)Where stories live. Discover now