chapter 42// three years later *849 words*

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3rd person


The three pairs of Winchester-Novak's are decorating the tree as Becky Shurley helps Ellen Harvelle and her daughter Jo Harvelle-Bradbury cook as Jo's wife Charlie teases the boys about the time she walked in on- well what hasn't she walked in on? Chuck Shurley is laughing and lazily drinking a beer and laughing with Bobby Singer and John Winchester. They watch everyone else put up decorations and the door opens. In walks Luca and Krista, the two with some very important news, but that can wait until dinner. Adam and Alfie are laughing as they hug their siblings, the two getting married in March. Krista smiles as she and her lovely partner get wirled around the room getting love and hugs.

The door opens an hour later with a struggled "SORRY WE ARE LATE!" And in walk Jamie and Cameron. More squeals and hugs.

An hour later and it's dinner time. Everyone is scattered over the living room floor.

"Okay!" Krista and Luca stand up. "We have an announcement!" The room goes quiet. "We are engaged" Cue screams. Dean and Cas glance at each other, and back to one of the bags sitting under the tree, Cas squeezes his husband's knee in anticipation. Food is finished and then it is presents. When it is announced, Dean and Cas grab the bags, one for John and Bobby, one for Chuck and Becky. (No John and Bobby aren't together)

"Here. Open" Each give the respective bag to their respective parents. Slowly the four open the bags, pulling out an envelope. Curiosity ensues and the envelope is opened. Enclosed is a picture of a blonde little girl, age two, named Claire. Along with a list of information but catching their eye, was written in red. ADOPTED- with Dean and Cas's signatures. Tears of happiness jump into their eyes as they hug the couple and the letters of verification for adoption are passed around. As soon as the shock of that announcement has died down, Luca stands up, pulling a small box from their bag.

"Now we only have one of these so don't be offended that you aren't opening it." Luca says, taking their fiance's hand, and pulling her up. They both walk over to Dean.

"Well you open it Dean?" Their brother nods and takes the package.
"Guys gather around." Jamie and Cameron, knowing what it is, take out a camera. Dean opens the gift and damn near drops it's contents. He looks so proud and amazed as he looks up, seeing Luca with their hand on Krista's stomach. Everyone screams, the positive pregnancy test and the pregnant couple get passed around.

A few more announcements are made, Jamie and Cameron have their surgeries scheduled, Luca is starting hormone therapy to be more. masculine, etc.

A half an hour later, they are all still talking.

"Sam, Gabe, how's the store?" Chuck asks his son and son in law.

"Business is booming! You guys really should stop by!" Sam gushes happily.

"How's the online courses?" John asks his son.

"It's good. We don't have the money for Stanford yet, but we are certainly saving up, because someone wants me to be a lawyer, and I want to be one too so."

"Dean, Cas, how's the bakery?" They own a bakery known for its fabulous apple and honey Pies.

"Amazing! Honestly stop by and taste the amazing thing that is Cas's cooking." Dean gushes pridefully about his husband. Cas blushes.

"Well yea but I mean it wouldn't be possible without you, Dean." Cas says gazing into his lover's eyes. They stare at each other before giving each other a quick peck in the lips.

"Jamie, Luca how's Spectrum?" Luca and Jamie light up.

"It's going amazing!! I love seeing everyone's faces as they browse the completely gender neutral clothes and the-everything! I love it." Luca word vomits.

"Jeez Luc." Jamie laughs. "But it really is amazing! People come in and they browse the colors and they ask us what we think would look best on them- someone came in the other day- physically male- and they saw a skirt and they looked so awkward! I wandered over and said that the color would look good and they just lit up! I told them they should try it on and they did they looked fab it was awesome! They bought it! Oh my god. It was just- ah. Amazing!"

"Nice. How's the coffee place, Krista? Cameron?"

"Amazing! Three couples have come by and thanked us for opening it because its where they met!" Krista smiles brightly.

"We have this rack of bracelets with a color code for girls, guys, both, anybody, friends, etc. It's amazing!" They all laugh, enjoying everyone's company. Michael and Lucifer are snuggled up with each other, the married husbands have grown closer and Lucifer works at the local tattoo parlor as his husband finishes college.

Everything was picture perfect, everyone was happy, it was perfect.


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