Chapter 40 *1787 words*

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Asexuals/Aromantics beware there is some sensual stuff in this chapter a few times in varying places.


We are taking our finals. Three days of school left, after today. Dean doesn't talk about his three days in jail. I glance across the room and see Luca looking at their paper with a look of total confusion. I wish I could help...

I bullshit the entire thing aside from what I know. And wind up with twenty minutes remaining.

Gabe is buying a place in town to start his own business, Sam will handle finances because let's face it, Gabe is useless with numbers. Sam is still looking to go to Stanford but there is still a long way to go. Michael, Luci, Adam, and Alfie all have jobs at the Roadhouse, I work at a café in town next to the machine shop Dean works at. Krista is working with Cameron to make an LGBTQIA+ only café. Like a gay bar or a lesbian lounge but for all ages with no alcohol. Luca and Jamie are working on a gender neutral clothing store/line that is sorted by color and has all sizes and styles, with pockets on all jeans. All in all I'd say life is going pretty well. *knocks on wood* haha yea we are trying really hard not to jinx ourselves.


We are at Gabes graduation! I can't believe he's graduating, I mean, I can, he is very intelligent, but I can't believe it's already the end of the year. Honestly where has the time gone? Me and Dean have almost been together a year. Wow. This... wow. We all drive to the house for his graduation party.



Three hours later and the party has died down so that it is just family. Me and Dean have migrated to my room for the night and are laying in bed cuddling and making out. Slowly things get a bit more heated as he pulls me on top of him. We kiss deeply, our tongues exploring each other's mouths. His hands roam my body gently as mine caress his face and hair. He fiddles with the hem of my shirt, asking. I pull my lips away from his, biting his lip as I do so. I place small kisses from the corner of his mouth, tracing down his neck to his collar bone. I hear him softly moan and that fills me with confidence. I know he isn't a virgin and I have my doubts that I won't be able to pleasure him or anything like that and he will leave or cheat. My mind races as we explore each other.

"Cas, are you okay? You seem to be acting different..." he stops. I sigh.

"I'm worried."

"Well I am too I just... wait. Why are you worried?" I take a breath.

"Well... It's stupid. I know. But, I'm worried that you'll leave or something else because you've had sex before and I'm an awkward virgin who doesn't have a clue what he's doing." He doesn't say anything and I take it as my hint to keep going. "I've never done anything sexual with anyone other than you, and when we played Never Have I Ever a while ago you said that you'd had like a six person orgy in a broom closet and I'm worried that you won't be satisfied with me or I-"

"Cas what the fuck do you think is wrong with me?" I stop.


"Obvisouly you think I'm fucked up in the head if you think I would leave you because of something as meaningless to a relationship as sex. Yes, I like sex. No, I would never push you into it if you aren't ready or go looking to other people for it. I love you, Castiel Novak, and you mean the world to me. I am never going to let you forget it or let you leave or leave you. Ever. Period. You, my lovely boyfriend, are stuck with me. If you aren't ready for sex then alright. I won't push you into it. If you are, I'll go slow. But please, never worry about something that will never happen." I look up from the ground and meet his green eyes.

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