Chapter 10 *2125 words*

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Ya know what this needs?

More michifer

Here you go!


I quite enjoy annoying Michael. It's adorable when he's flustered and hot when he's flirting. Yea, maybe I have a crush on him, but I'm gonna make him love me. It might be a challenge, but I'm satan. I can take it.

"You know I can walk now. It doesn't hurt as bad as it did"

"You are lucky I'm not carrying you" he scoffs at me and rolls his eyes. "Keep rolling your eyes. Maybe you'll find a brain back there."

"Please. You'd struggle to pour water out of a boot with instructions on the heel"

"Well then" I say offened. He smirks to himself as I take him to the bathroom. Literally he gets up and I'm there like you either sit your ass down or tell me where we're going because you ain't walking by yourself.

"You know" he says as I pick him up gently to carry him up the stairs becasue I'm a fucking gentleman.


"Are you going to follow me around school doing this? Or are you actually going to let me walk alone?"


"That doesn't answer my question"

"So? I'll do whatever the hell I want. I'm satan" he rolls his eyes again as I reach the top of the stairs. I put him down in front of the bathroom and he limps in. Damn he has a fine ass. I sit on the top step waiting. Gabriel comes and sits beside me.

"You like him"

"Shut up" I give my brother a playful shove.

"Your not denying it."

"Is it that obvious?"

"Luci, you are literally flirting both of your asses off with each other. I think he like you too. And yea. It's very obvious" he pulls a lollipop out of his pocket and offers it to me. I shake my head and he shrugs, eating it himself.

"You're addicted"

"Ay, it's better than drugs."


"Want some advise?"

"From someone who eats more candy than a little kid on Halloween? No thanks"

"To bad. You're getting it. Just tell him your crushing"

"Right. Like you told Sam"

"I was going to."

"How is It? I mean, is Sabriel canon or was it a one time thing?"

"I dont know if it counts as a date, but he and Dean offered to take me and Cas to a 'range' and teach us how to shoot a gun"

"If he puts his arms around you to get your stance right, it's a date."

"Noted." He sighs and leans into me. I put my arm around my brother that's a year younger than me yet in my grade. "I love you guys"

"We love you to Gabey"

"I dont wanna leave" I give him a look.

"Why would you leave? You've already been adopted"

"I know. It's just... good things are always ripped from me. I dont want this to be like every other good thing. I want this to be permanent."

"Well, family don't end in blood, so even if you do get taken away, you'll still be family. I'll still call you and make sure your okay. Cas will still tell you he loves you every night. Anna and Rachel will still greet you in a hug. It'll just be less often. Raphael, Uriel, and Zakariah will still tease you. Joshua will still pet you. Gadreel will still tell you off when you need it. Alfie will still come to you for advise when he needs to prank someone. Ezekiel, Inias, Hester, Virgil, Naomi. They'll all still love you. You won't stop being family just because social services decide to be asswagons."

Ha, Nerd. (Destiel/Sabriel/Michifer/Brief Moments Of Adamdriel)Where stories live. Discover now