Chapter 26 *1242 words*

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I got a text from my Samoosey halfway through the last class of the day saying that he wasn't going to be at school for a few days because of a crisis involving one of Luca's friends. Needless to say, I'm worried sick, as is Cas, Lucifer, and Samandriel and Charlie and Jo, and everyone. I'm sitting on my couch for the first time in a few days, watching my siblings fight. Eventually I just get up and go to my room. I lay in bed and debate texting him.

Pros- I'd get to talk to him, be might need to calm down, or talk to me.

Cons- he could be helping someone commit murder, talking to someone else, asleep, or in the shower.

I choose to take a nap. But it doesn't happen because Sam calls me.


"Hey Gabe. Don't worry. Jamie, the friend who flatlined, is okay. They restarted her heart and she's still comatose, but alive. Luca is crying tears of joy. Everyone is kinda relaxing now, breathing. It's been hard. Luca literally collapsed and Dean dropped his coffee. She flatlined twice and somehow is still alive."

"That's amazing! Well, not her flatlining but her surviving!"

"Haha yea... Dean is currently pacing about the room eating a donut,  Cameron is napping in Baby, Cam's mom is getting coffee for like the eighth time. We have had so much coffee... also do you guys think you can feed, water, and walk Luca's dogs while we are up here?" I sigh loudly.

"I guess" I get up and put on my shoes.

"Key is on top of the window sill"


"Thanks." I hear him sigh dramatically. "Again Jennifer. Really?"

"Who's Jennifer and what happened?" I say walking downstairs. "Going to Luca's place to take care of their animals, you comin?" I ask Cas and Charlie and practically everyone else. Cas and Charlie nod.

"Jennifer is one of Jamie's friends and she just dropped her coffee for the eighth time in the last six hours."

"Wow." We step out into the cold ish March weather.

"Yea. I'm gonna get off here and try to accomplish something."

"Like What?"

"I don't know. Not strangling someone? Could you tell everyone else for us?"


"Jo, Ash, Lisa, Garth, Benny..."

"Yea sure Moosey. Love you."

"Love You to. Also, stay safe. And the dogs are jumpers."

"I know I've met them before." I roll my eyes as the three story house comes into view.

"Try not to die."

"Haha. Yea. I love you Samoose."

"I love you to Gabey. I'll talk to you later."

"Later." And we walk the dogs like good people and have a good rest of the day...




Explaining what happened to everyone else went... they were confused as to why they would just leave, and when we explained they just kept asking more questions. It was... not pleasant, but they eventually understood. Hurray.

We decide to just walk around the park. Chill out for a bit. Just me, Cas, and Charlie.

We are swinging and seeing who can swing higher, when Charlie accidentally kicks someone in the face. We jump off of the swings and rush over.

Ha, Nerd. (Destiel/Sabriel/Michifer/Brief Moments Of Adamdriel)Where stories live. Discover now