Chapter 38 *699 words*

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Krista (ooh lookie a new p.o.v.)

They had to handcuff Luca to the bed. They wouldn't stop scratching at their skin. They haven't said a word since they woke up. When the police questioned them, the merely nodded or shook their head. When the police asked them to describe the monsters to the artist, they took the pad of paper and drew it themself. It is so fucking painful to watch them get on YouTube on the t.v. and just blare music. They decided to have an abortion as soon as possible, which would be in two hours. Because it technically isn't an abortion when it's literally six days after the thing happened. Right? Right??

Anyway, Luca is sitting on the bed, facing the wall, as the t.v. blares The Great Hendowski by Of Mice & Men. Cas is constantly texting me different mile markers and such. They are somewhere in Missouri. Four to five hours left and according to Cas, Dean is livid. Practically everyone is. So far the car rides have consisted of unintelligible screaming according to Cas. Everyone is taking the news of what happened pretty harshly. Though I can't blame them. I got a call from the police at two in the morning saying my best friend was found passed out and half naked on the side of the road and I flipped out. Cameron was housing us and I was in a guest room, it looks like a hurricane went through it a few times. Along with a tornado. Then a bunch of wild dogs. And then someone tried to clean it up so no one would notice. It's a mess. Then I literally ran to town to catch a bus. They called me and picked me up because I was going in the wrong direction and was bound to get lost and we didn't need a repeat of the call.

Needless to say, we are all still panicking. Not because of the same reasons as we were. We were worried about their safety, and mental state, and health, and now on top of all that we've got 'this procedure could kill them/cause infertility they are mentally scarred they aren't talking they aren't eating they are barely drinking anything' the list goes on. It's going to drive me insane.

"El, can you please eat something?" I ask them. I'm not good with eating disorders or whatever this is. I'm not used to it and I've never had the chance to/had to help someone with one so I've no idea. They shrug and look at the plate of apple slices, pudding, green beans, and chicken. Slowly they pick up the pudding cup and the spoon, shaking. They look at it for a minute, then back at me. Then to their sister and brother who are passed out on the floor, their siblings' partners out in the hallway finding a vending machine. Back to the pudding. They tip it around, watching it jiggle. Before slowly getting some on the spoon and taking a bite. I nearly cry out in happiness because this is the only thing they've eaten in six days. They eat a few bites and sit it down, bringing their knees to their chest. They aren't allowed to wear a binder so they have been avoiding looking in the mirror. It's been chaos.

Two hours later and they took the pill. (I know nothing about this. At all. I'm using google) it's takings it's toll. They are crying gently, as they write up a police report. Having to recount what they went through... it's understood. I wish they didn't have to, that there was some sort of magic thing that would automatically know what happened and who did it. But sadly that technology doesn't exist... yet.

They are still sitting on their bed, four hours later. I wish they would talk. They be been texting everyone rather than using their vocal cords and it hurts me so much to see them like this. I can't imagine what is going on in their head...

Alright I just googled it and it takes 6 weeks not six days but shhh I don't wanna change it.

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