Chapter 3 *2269 words*

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Castiel (because I need to write the morning in his pov)

I wake up really early, remembering practically nothing of last night. I open my eyes and am met with Dean. I'm laying on Dean. He doesn't notice my waking, he's awake, but I notice something. We are just in our pants. No shirts. He finally looks away from his phone.

"G'mornin' Cas" God his sleepy voice is sexy.

"Dean. Can I get up?" His arms are restraining me. Not that I'm complaining. He is hot, but we did just meet...

"No. You're in a comfy position, I know you are. And if you get up I'll be cold. Besides, it's only five. And due to the wreck, which they're still cleaning up, we have no school today. So go back to sleep."


"Shh" he puts his hands in my hair and I melt. I have a weakness for my hair being played with dont judge me. He keeps playing with my hair and a small moan escapes my lips as I close my eyes and bury my face in Dean's bare chest. As he massages my hair more, I moan a few more times. Dont fucking judge me it feels like heaven. My arms are restrained under him, kinda hurts, but I dont care. I dont realize it, but I'm pushing my head into his hands, like a cat. With him rubbing my head, I fall back asleep.



I wake up to having a crushing weight on top of me.

"Stryker!" Luca's voice screams. Dean shoots awake as well and we both fall, seeing our attacker. A dog. A big dog that looks like a Dalmatian, a German Shepherd, and everything else.

"Aww!" I say, sitting up on deans lap and playing with the puppy. "You- sir-" I say quickly as I see what he is "are so adorable! Yes you are!" He gives me kisses and wallors about me and Dean. We are both giving him major love when Luca comes running in, with two other dogs chasing her. She falls down next to us and soon everyone is in here and being loved by the three dogs, all of us huddled together. Me and Dean still half naked, along with practically everyone else in a similar situation. Everyone is smiling and it's really fun. Eventually the excitement dies down, and everyone is left breathing heavily and smiling.

"I'm hungry" Gabriel states after about twenty minutes of everyone probably looking higher than angels in the sky.

"You're always hungry" I say to him.

"Hey Dean, why do you and Sammy have matching tattoos?" Gabriel word vomits, looking between the two. Dean doesn't have a tattoo?? I look at him and sure enough right above his heart is a tattoo.

"Oh, um" he starts. "Well. It's a long story."

"No school"

"Okay" he takes a breath. "So it started with our grandma. She was such a religious and spiritual person that people rumoured she was a witch. She researched anti possession symbols and such and would draw them on her. When she met our grandad, he loved them and they would draw them on each other. They got married and had a daughter. When she was sixteen, she got it tattooed on her, and so did her then boyfriend. They got married, and had me and sam. At the wedding they promised that they would have them tattooed on their children. When mom died, dad took responsibility and we got them when we turned thirteen, of course the guy wasn't licenced at all, but we got them cheap and probably illegally. But hey, at least we won't get possessed" he smiles overexaggeratedly.

"Well. I think that warrants food-" Luca is cut off.


What the fuck? There are several more loud noises as one of the girls from yesterday, the one in her underwear, runs into the room.

Ha, Nerd. (Destiel/Sabriel/Michifer/Brief Moments Of Adamdriel)Where stories live. Discover now