Chapter 36 *1024 words*

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I'm sorry @Ginganinja058 I said it would be happy for a while... this idea came to me... sorry...
Warning, triggering chapter.


It's noon, broad daylight. I'm right by the road walking down a small town road. I smile and wave at the people I've known since I was a kid, and nod the newcomers. Everyone around here is so friendly, it's hard to image that half of these people are drug dealers or something else. I've grown up around these people so I guess I'm used to it. Hard to believe that up north honking is a form of harassment. Down here it's being neighborly.

I wind up walking into Dry Ridge. It's a quiet town, Wal-Mart, McDonald's, Arbys, Wendy's, gas stations, Poké-stops and gyms. Nothing bad ever really happens here. I walk into the ally way. It's not very dark, and it's right next to a church. I take this route all the damn time. I see a group of men huddled at the bottom. I put my chin in the air and a swing in my walk showing confidence. They start whistling. I roll my eyes and keep walking, suddenly wishing I was wearing my binder.

"Hey! Lady! Fucking bitch I'm talking to you!" One of the guys says. I turn my head to glare at them before continuing on.

"Come on stuck up bitch you should take it as a compliment!" I keep walking. I hear footsteps. I walk faster. Thirty steps until I'm out of this ally way. There is a house I could go to that is right there, but these people may live there. I can't run, they may be able to run faster. My heart speeds up as I am slammed onto the ground. Oh sweet jesus. I stand up and brush myself off, glaring heavily. The guy that pushed me down grabs my arm and drags me across the road into a seperate ally way, then into a house.  I use my free arm to try to punch the guy in the face but as soon as I raise it my arm is grabbed by someone else. Shit. They drag me into a hallway. I decide to try to scream, a hand is shoved over my mouth. I go completely limp and drop to the floor. While they are confused and occupied with carrying me, I twist and finally manage to break free. I run, dodging between to people as they grab at me. I'm able to make it out the door before I'm grabbed again. I manage to catch glimpse of a car and I scream. I scream as loud as I can. I see the person driving the car look around, before moving on and I begin to cry. I feel a sharp pain on the back of my head and my vision begins to blur.

I wake up in a starch white hospital room with no memory of how I got there. All I know is that I feel incredibly dirty. I look around and see that Cameron who has passed out on my bedside along with Carmen, Amanda, Zak, and Brayden. They have coffees in their hands but they are all dangerously close to falling. I wiggle a little bit, trying to wake them up without using my voice. Carmy is the first to wake up. She looks at me through half closed and watery eyes and jumps up, dropping the coffee, and jerking everyone's else awake causing them to drop their coffee.

The memory of why I'm in the hospital floods into my brain as they stare at me with looks of sympathy and confusion and love. What those monsters said. What they look like. What they did. What they did. Oh god. I only remember bits and pieces but... I feel tears start rolling down my face as I sob, they memory overtaking me. My body cunvusles with every breath as I rake my nails against my skin, digging at their touch, trying to get it off. My family quickly notices and jumps onto me, moving my arms down and hugging me. I keep trying to scratch my arms and legs but they keep my restrained a bit, calling for the nurse as I cry. Only I don't just cry, I'm wailing in disgust. I let myself get in that position I took a shortcut I take practically every day. It's usually safe. It wasn't. I was a fool. I should've run. I should've screamed out for help when they started following me. I should've taken a different route I should've stayed at the house I should've had my phone out. I could've called and screamed I should've been on the phone with someone I should've never gone down the ally I should've never tried to go to walmart I shouldn't have rolled my eyes i should've paid more attention I should've wore my binder, maybe they would've left me alone this is my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault


Luca is shaking their head with tears streaming down their face as they scratch at themself and every last thing they did to them and they don't even know what the doctors found in them, on them, and in their system. So many drugs and nasty shit, I think it was like, twelve different kinds of highly illegal drugs, along with meth, cocaine, fetonal, etc. Six different sets of DNA on them with the additional three in them. Along with what might be..... something else... but we don't know for sure and I don't want to tell them until we know if it is what we think, and they are running tests right now to see. Krista comes in and jumps, running over to us, to comfort Luca.


Any guesses what it is?? The thing they don't know if it's what they think or not?? Any guesses?

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