Chapter 21 *755 words*

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3rd person

Okay sit your asses down I'm doing all sides in one chapter, one at a time, starting with........ DESTIEL also I have never been laser tag or paintball I know I'm lame.

It was Winchesters + Charlie vs. Novaks + Krista. When they were allowed to go, they all sprinted. The Winchesters and Charlie having a tiny unfair advantage as they have been shooting guns since birth practically, which is why they were okay being outnumbered. 16-5... eh who cares.

Can't wait to kill these nerds. Dean thinks, seeing Cas run in front of him. He has a cute ass. Also he looks so badass in all of the gear... Dean decides to stalk his prey. He sees Balthazar and shoots him from his spot, and moves hiding places. After ten minutes of stalking and hunting down siblings, getting three more, including Gabriel who was laying ontop of and making out with Sam, he strikes. He pounces and pushes Cas against a fake tree, lodging his gun between them.

"Oh! D-dean. H-hey, w-was-wassup?" Without saying a word, Dean presses his lips to Cas's neck, who turns bright red. "D-dean... we are in public..." his breathing hitches as Dean nips the skin, and sucks. Cas drops his gun and it falls, wrapping his arms around Dean, moaning under his breath. Little did he know that his boyfriend's gun was moving up slowly and his index finger inching towards the trigger. The other random people in the arena either payed them no mind, debated shooting them, whistled,  stared for a bit, looked on longingly, and like two people glared.

Dean pulls his lips away from Cas's neck, and kisses his lips. They fall into their rhythm and kiss like there is no tomorrow. Like they crave each other in more ways than one. Not something that little kids should see, even if they were straight. There was lots of tongue and intimacy going on. Of course, when Cas's vest lights up all that changes. Cas pulls away looking betrayed.

"Dean." He breathes out, his eyes offended as his boyfriend smirks. Then Dean's vest lights up and he sees Anna run past him laughing his ass off.

"Damn it" Dean mutters.

"Serves you right."

"Number one rule of  fighting, Angel. Never let your opponent distract you." Cas gasps.

"I hated that movie it was nothing like the books."

"Pft, right? They are supposed to be twelve."

"I could rant for years."

"So could I, but there is something else I'd rather do."

"Wha-" Dean cuts his boyfriend off with his lips, and they resume what they were doing before Dean shot Cas, both guns dismissed on the ground and soon a security person asks them to leave because pda. They sit in the area where you change and continue making out, until everyone else comes in, Winchesters won.


As soon as Sam saw Naomi, he shot her, ducking behind a fake tree. He could feel the rage radiating from her. Two minutes and he's leaving blood in his wake. Hells yea. He sees Gabriel shoot at, and miss, Charlie, who cackles and hides. She goes to shoot Gabriel but Sam drags him away. Kissing his cheek, and running away.

Gabriel stands there like an idiot, and nearly gets shot. Asshole boyfriend. He thinks before coming up with a devious plan. He sees Sam again, and tackles his moose. They kiss for a little bit before Gabe's vest lights up. He seems shocked, and as does Sam. Sam glares at Dean and kisses his boyfriend.

"Bye!" He takes off. Gabriel slowly marches away, well, more like stomps away while pouting.


Michael is hiding from his boyfriend. Though he knows it is futile. Satan finds away. Just when he is about to move something grabs his ass. Three guesses who.

"Well hello there Mikey." Lucifer purrs seductively into his ear. Michael smiles, leaning into his boyfriend. Before throwing his elbow back into his gut, turning around, and shooting him. "Babe..." Lucifer let's out a strangled breath. "I-I... I loved..." he falls to the ground. Michael stares at his adorable boyfriend. Lucifer sits bolt right up. "PIZZA!" And then falls back down. Michael snorts from laughing so hard. He keeps laughing, and gets shot by Alfie. He decides to flop down onto his boyfriend, who groans but wraps his arms around him anyway.


They actually play laser tag and don't do anything else. They are boring.


Ha, Nerd. (Destiel/Sabriel/Michifer/Brief Moments Of Adamdriel)Where stories live. Discover now