Chapter 32 *1011 words*

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Charlie (yes again)

Me and Kevin have been released from the hospital, it is two weeks after the accident. Jo still hasn't woken up. Gilda stopped by once she heard and she felt really bad, because she'd asked to meet up and she thinks it was her fault, when it wasn't.

But now even Jamie is out of the hospital, Jamie is the friend of El's who tried to... yea... But Jamie is in a mental rehabilitation facility on watch, she has a therapist and she's taking her meds again. El has been convinced to stay there one more day before coming back to Kansas. (For those who's brains aren't putting the peices together, El=Luca=Luc=Lulu all the same person.)

We are all sitting in Jo's room, eating crappy vending machine food and drinking fucking horrible hospital cafeteria coffee. Ellen is sitting at her daughter's bedside, holding her hand. Everyone else is kinda lazily about the rest of the room. Out of the corner of my eye I see Cas balancing a chip on his nose before Dean leans over and eats it off of his boyfriend's nose, resulting in Cas looking 50 shades of offended. I really hope Jo wakes up, not just for my benefit, but for everyone's. Ellen has been a wreck. Hell. We all have. It's been rough. My arm is still in a sling and I still get massive migraines and pains in my ribcage that... actually aren't that bad compared to period cramps, but still hurt like a bitch. The nurse, Dorothy, walks in.

"Morning guys." She says, checking Jo's vital signs.

"Is it?" I ask her she gives a sad look.

"I said morning, not good morning. And yes, it is morning. You guys should sleep, book a hotel. It isn't good for you all to be crowded into a small room 24/7 with no sleep."

"Dont doctor us, Nurse." I say. "I will sleep after Joey wakes up. And don't you say if. She will. I know she will."

"She your girlfriend?"

"Might as well be." Everyone grumbles. Dorothy looks confused.

"I've liked her for two years, about. I found out she liked me back, ten seconds before we got hit."

"Oh. I see. Well, you should sleep."

"I try. But every time I close my eyes longer than a few moments I see the light and I see the wreck all over again. Over and over." I take a sip of coffee and finish off my danish, tossing the wrapper in the trash. "It's hard." Dorothy nods and slowly makes her way out. We all continue about what we were doing.

When suddenly the heart monitor jumps. Along with all of us. We stare at Jo intently as her doctors rushes in swiftly. He goes back through her vitals and nearly drops something.


"She's showing signs of waking." We all jumps and look at each other fucking excitedly. "But things could still go wrong. You all just look so depressed."

"My cousins best friend that we've known for years committed suicide a few months ago and one of their other friends attempted a few weeks ago. We are a bit on edge yes." He looks at us.

"My condolences." He swishes away, probably uncomfortable. We all let out a huge breath. I can't believe she's going to wake up. Dean leans his head back into Cas's shoulder and smiles softly at his boyfriend. I type furiously on my phone, tweeting that my ship is having a moment!! Everyone's phones ding. Shit they follow me. Destiel just give me a 100% done face and face each other before kissing passionately. I smile to myself.

"All of the ships here need to take a vacation. And I mean like actually stay at a nice hotel, away from everyone and actually have a week away from shit. I shall organize it this summer."


"What? Like you guys would hate it?! I mean it must be annoying having us, mostly me, down your guys' throats for dating?"

"Well, kinda yea. It's a personal thing. Of course it's weird having people jump down our throats about everything." Dean says with Cas, Sam, Gabe, Michael, and Lucifer nodding.

"So I shall plan you all a get away to different hotels for you to do whatever the fuck you wanna! Lay in bed all day, fuck each other senseless, have a pillow war, get drunk and reveal your worst fears, pole dance on a bedpost it's up to you guys." Everyone is like, trying really hard not to laugh or be embarrassed or something and it's honestly hilarious. Ellen just shakes her head st us.

"Charlie honey where are you gonna get the money?"


"Magic. Duh."

"Mmmmm" we all stare at Jo. Her shoulders move.

"Jo? Honey?" I glance over at Sam, who is oblivious to what's going on, as he is lost in thought.

"Hey Dean do you wanna tell them-"

"We do not speak of it!" He yells. Of course we are all like wtf...

"What the fuck?"

"Dean can pole dance!"

"It isn't pole dancing, you absolute fucking dick. It's called chair dancing you insolent fuck."


"We had to stay with one of our distant relatives for a week. No big deal. They got bored and taught all of us, Adam and Michael included!!! How to chair dance."

"What in the actual hell is chair dancing?" Then collectively the boys in questions all state...

"Pretty much lap dancing." They state flatly.

Pretty much lap dancing

Pretty much lap dancing


P R E T T Y  M U C H  L A P  D A N C I N G

"Say fucking what now?"

"Yea." Sam says. "They moved to vegas."

"I demand proof" I say.

"Proof of what?" A raspy voice asks from the bed. We all jump and look at Jo.


Heyo! Don't kill me for next chapter...

Should I do a face reveal??

Ha, Nerd. (Destiel/Sabriel/Michifer/Brief Moments Of Adamdriel)Where stories live. Discover now