Chapter 13 *2444 words*

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Warning!!! Triggering chapter!! Mentions of depression, self harm, and suicide....

But I would like to personally dedicate this chapter to @Ginganinja058 for constantly commenting because it may seem weird but I love getting feedback. Anyway... try not to kill me.

3rd person.

Luca sighs as they sit in from of their computer. It's time for their live show. Their brother and sister sit on the bed behind them watching Sherlock.

Great. Just the perfect fucking time to watch it huh guys? They think to themself before opening YouNow. They turn on their camera.

"Hey guys!" They say into the camera, smiling goofily. "So I have an update on Destiel, Sabriel, Michifer, and Adamdriel! Destiel and Sabriel are going strong, though, they haven't had their first kiss yet.- Hello Jennifer! I will gladly say that Kentucky is amazing I'm from there myself!- yesterday, or, rather, this morning, Alfie locked Michifer in the bathroom and refused to let them out, sadly though, no mini Michael's or Lucifer's. Adamdriel will not stop flirting, it's getting ridiculous.- yes, Amy from Iowa. I do miss everyone back home, but I have family here anyway so- yes that is my siblings- damn it the chat is going to fast! - Mika! Oh. I... I didn't tell you guys. Did I?" They sigh as the chats roll in, they hadn't told anyone. "Me and Mika broke up. Long distance wasn't our thing." So many apologies roll in. "It's okay guys, we are still friends. And besides. I've got a girl who just moved in a few houses down. Her name is Krista (SOUND FAMILIAR??) But she's homeschooled. She might start going to my school though. We talked at the park two days ago. Said that after Christmas she'd be at public school." I'm so happy for you!! "Thank you, Mindy from Arizona." I love your hair!! Can you tell us the story of Angel with a Shotgun again?? ;P "yes and thank you! I will totally tell you all the story of Michael being a dork! You all love this story. Especially you, Cameron from California. Anyway, so it's the middle of the summer. It's like, ninety thousand degrees outside, and we were inside with the crappy air conditioning. When I say we, I mean Me, Sam, Dean, Michael, and Adam. Michael is doing the dishes. Dean is laying in front of the A.C. drinking a beer, because we have no age limits, Sam is reading, Adam is dusting, and I'm sweeping. We are listening to music when we here Angel with a Shotgun come on. We turn it up, because it's our fucking ish, and we dance around like the weirdos we are, singing to it. Michael normally doesn't sing along to many songs, and he doesn't usually do any really weird dance moves, but not when it comes to Angel with a Shotgun. Since he's named after an archangel, and he can shoot a gun, he's literally an angel. With. A. Shotgun. So he's dancing around, singing loudly, but amazingly because his voice is *cue low moan* yes. Anyway so he's dancing around and whatever, when he drops the glass he was cleaning. He jumps six feet into the air, falls over Adam, and lands on his butt in front of me. He looks at the broken glass and sighs. Not this shit again. So - he's barefoot, by the way - he weaves his way through the glass and grabs the other broom, before slipping on a piece of glass and falling onto another. He had to get stitches in his ass, and the shame on his face whenever anyone mentions it... It's priceless. He was an angel for Halloween this year, and for protection brought a shotgun. We almost told everyone about it, but then he threatened us. Jokes on him though, I still have the videos of everything. I have unthinkable leverage against them." Hahaha omfg wow good one michael!!

Ha! Was it his first day with his new feet or something?

Can't blame him, that song is everyone's ish!

Lol me


Honestly though I can see myself doing that.

Ha, Nerd. (Destiel/Sabriel/Michifer/Brief Moments Of Adamdriel)Where stories live. Discover now