Chapter 5 *943 words*

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We are all eating dinner after Samoose and Deano left, everyone talking about their first day tomorrow, aside from me and Cas. We are kinda explaining things for them. Each class and what the teacher was like if we had them, or what we heard about them. They had managed to clean up the house after my pranks and we are all in our pajamas. I think I have a crush on Sam. But after I turn eighteen couldn't that be pedophilia? Even if it is only a few years, it could be. And I dont want to go to jail becuase I'm in love. Maybe I should just wait until he's eighteen, then it would be legal and if I still like him after so long I'd know I love him. I'm over thinking this. It's just a crush. He's probably not even gay.


It's school! Yay. (Notice the sarcasm.) We all walk to school. All sixteen of us. Even more fun. In the midst of the chaos we all get split up and I run, literally, into Samoose. We both fall down the stairs causing an even bigger traffic pile up. Some people help us pick up our stuff, getting knocked over in the process. It turns to hell really quick. Everyone is falling, dropping everything, kicking everything it's a mess. Samoose grabs my arm and pulls my into an empty classroom.

"Sorry. I was just trying to find you, avtually." I say.

"It's fine. It's just crazy as hell out there. Better to show up late and alive then not at all becuase you're dead"

"Hm. Good point. And we might not even be late, it's the morning rush."



At lunch is when things get than normal. For starters, for the purpose of this book, everyone miraculously fit at the table. Secondly Samoose and Dean were being weird. And I dont mean making faces, smiling goofily kinda weird. I mean the shifting in their seat, looking at each other, looking at the ground, fiddling. Signs point to nerves, but about what? It's a normal Wednesday. Even Luca and Charlie seem out of it. They met everyone and have been going non-stop about stuff to my siblings, but they keep looking around as well. I find out why halfway through.

"Adam! Michael!" They both sit up smiling as two people drag chairs over.

"Hey guys. Sorry we're late, just got back yesterday and overslept." One of them says. They both look around. "Who are these people?" We I produce ourselves. "Oh. I'm adam." The one who apologized says shaking, or trying to shake everyone's hand.

"Michael" says the other. Luci whistles and whispers something Anna, who hits him.

"Don't scare them Luci!"

"I wasnt-"

"You wanna tell them" Anna gestures to Michael. "What you just said?" He smirks his little Satan smirk.

"Hey. I'm Satan. And you are hotter than hell" he winks.

"LUCIFER" we all throw grapes at him as Michael get flustered.

"Well there's a reason I'm named after an angel" Michael responds, causing all of us to do a doubletake. No one refutes his pickup lines with more pickup lines. Lucifer looks at him shocked.

"Are you a parking ticket cuz you've got finnnee written all over you?" Oh god no. He's been challenged.

"Guys" Jo interrupts, but it goes unnoticed.

"Did it hurt when you broke through the earth crust ascending from hell because oouuch you are to perfect to be humanly possible"

"Well I'm Satan so"


"Are you Maria Reynolds? Because I'm Alexander Hamilton and there's a million other things I should be doing but I'd rather throw away a perfectly good marriage and family to do you only to destroy my entire reputation from this affair a few years later becuase I'm an asshole who can't keep my mouth shut"

"That was the longest line I've heard. And possibly the best"

"Know what else is long?"

"What?" Lucifer asks with a knowing glint in his eyes

"The school day"

"Burn!" My siblings chorus, Michael gives Lucifer a pitiful look.


"Get your head out of the gutter and maybe you'll get something in return" he winks. What the hell even michael?! No one out pickup lines lucifer! Also no one burns Lucifer becuase he is literally Satan!

"Actually, I'm Satan so I can't be burnt" nice recover.

"Well I'm an angel so I can't be touched."

"Satan was an angel to. And babe, you're right. You can't be touched by anyone other than me."




"Fuck you"

"Also. Gabe, Cas. Since they aren't going to do it." Dean and Sam's eyes go wide and they begin giving Jo a death stare/pleading look. "Would you two, like to go on a double date with those two. They apparently dont have the balls to ask themselves." We jump, not expecting to be asked out.

"What?" We say in unison, having trouble wrapping our minds around it. "Yes!" We say when we come to our senses. The guys go from confused and hurt to beaming in less than two seconds and it's adorble, Sam's face. His everything is just so cute! Then, the siblings hit.

"Awww!! Cassie and Gabey have a daaaattee!!!" I through something at them, as they all quiet down, before hitting Sam and Dean with looks of warning. "Hurt my brothers. I dare you." they warn as the bell rings and everyone packs up and leaves

Rly short, not even a thousand words, but I want to do two date chapters that are just the dates, one destiel side and one sabriel side so just... yea....

Ha, Nerd. (Destiel/Sabriel/Michifer/Brief Moments Of Adamdriel)Where stories live. Discover now