Chapter 8 *2096 words*

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Heeeeyyy guess what bitches?


Luca went around to everyone's house at four in the morning, woke us up, drove us Sam and Dean's place, made us sit there for two hours, then had us all run into the house to wake them up, while they filmed it for their vlog. Here's how it began.

"Hey guys so I'm here at five o'clock in the morning with *insert everyone's names*. We are going to wake up Sabriel and Destiel! If you watch any of my videos you know who they are. Now, let's go" everyone charges in and to wake them up. What I find, becuase I'm the first person in Dean's room, is Dean asleep on the floor, and Castiel asleep in the bed. Luca runs in, snaps a picture and shows it on video. Cut to my face, and I'm grinning like an idiot. I jump on Dean.

"Wake up you happy go lucky pie fucker!" I yell into his ear. He jumps up and smacks me. I smile. Balthazar runs in and full on tackles Cas.

"Wakey wakey you bastard!" Cas shoots up, punches Balthazar, falls off the bed, and falls back asleep. Luca runs off to Sabriel as Lucifer runs in.

"Cassie!" He yells at a sleeping cas. How Cas can sleep after that is beyond me. Cas barely moves. Lucifer picks up his arms, Balthazar grabs his legs, and they throw him onto the bed.

"I JUST WANNA SLEEP!!" Cas yells, turning over and burying his face in Dean's pillow. Dean stands up, walks over to his bed.

"I'm with sleeping beauty on this" and flops down next to him. Cas curls into his side.

"LUCA YOUR SHIP IS HAVING A MOMENT!" Lucifer screams. Instead of just Luca, everyone else runs in as well.

"Which ship?"

"The only ship in the room, duh" me and Lucifer say in unison. Balthazar looks between us.

"You bastards do realize they ship you two as well, right?" I give him the most offended look I can muster without bursting into a fit of laughter.

"No ship" I say.

"Babe, dont be that way" Lucifer jokes. I glare at him and walk away, to find Sabriel. They are still asleep. How do they sleep like fucking rocks? Is it something in their blood? We share blood why can't I sleep that heavy? I take the sheet they are laying on and flip them off the bed. They groan and flail around trying to see, I laugh and walk away. I trip going down the stairs becuase I'm a graceful angel of the Lord and who catches me? Satan. "Well I think you just fell for me" he winks. I pat his chest and stand up.

"For someone who spends his free time in hell, you aren't very hot." Total lie, the guy is S-E-X-Y Sexy.

"Well for someone who's 78% water you aren't very refreshing"

"Wow that was actually a smart comeback. Don't strain yourself." We don't realize that Luca is recording our banter. I smirk at his loss for words and walk away, only to trip over Dean's backpack and fall on my- nope here's Satan here to catch you.  Why? Why is he always right there?

Maybe he likes you

Dude wtf no

Dude wtf yes

Don't mock me

Don't mock me


He liiiikkkeeess you

You're insane

Says the guy having an argument with his subconscious

Fuck off. I get no reply, and look at Satan.

Ha, Nerd. (Destiel/Sabriel/Michifer/Brief Moments Of Adamdriel)Where stories live. Discover now