Chapter 11 *1126 words*

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I still have no clue if me and Cas are dating or not. But it's time to take them to the range. We get them in effortlessly and take the to targets. (I've never been to a range I shoot at homemade targets in my yard bear with me) I get Cas into the proper stance and begin explaining.

"Okay. Stand with your feet like this- no no no. Like- damn it" I get down and physically move his feet. He keeps them like that as I keep explaining. "Now you wanna do- do this- god I'm not good at words-  so- no your arms- here" I put my arms around him in that dumb cliché way, and align his arms. "Okay. Now cock it- yes that is what it's called. And pull" the kick surprised him, but it was adorable. He didn't hit the target though. I glance into the booth next to us and see Sam doing the same to Gabriel, I can't hear what they're saying due to the earmuffs.

"Did I hit anything?"

"The wall. But that's okay. You're just starting out. Try again without my help" he fixes his stance as I let go to watch. He shoots, and I think I see the problem. "Okay" I say, walking up to him. I wrap my arms around him again, and hold the gun to look through the scope. "Aim" he moves the gun and goes to close one eye. "Eyes open. Just focus" he nods and shoots, he hits the third loop of the target. "Hey good job!" He smiles softly. "Try again" he re-aims and shoots, hitting the bottom of the same ring. "You're getting better!" I say smiling at him.

"Thank you for teaching me" his gaze shifts around, nipping at his bottom lip, before his gorgeous blue eyes land on mine.

"Maybe we can get you and your siblings up here and get you guys concealed carry permits."

"Don't we need our own guns for that?"

"Yea. But we'll deal with that later" he smiles and he keeps shooting, slowly getting closer to the target, but never hitting it.

"Here. You shoot some" he hands me the gun, mindful of the fact it's loaded. I take stance and shoot three shots, hitting the outside of the bullseye each time. He looks at me in disbelief.

"I've been shooting my entire life. Dad taught me and Michael, I taught Sammy and Michael taught Adam. Now we are teaching you guys. And maybe Michael and Adam can teach two of your siblings, and eventually your entire family will know. It's common knowledge around here." He nods as I hand him back the gun.

We stay there for a few hours, then stop to go eat, today at a different diner, but still a family owned one that we visit frequently enough to have a relationship with all of the staff and constant customers.

We walk to the area and I notice something off. Not a bad off, just off. We walk in and the bell dings. Our favorite waitress, Miranda, walks up to us.

"Hey guys. Glad you could make it for this! Especially with your boyfriends!" She takes us to a table as her mother, Jaylene, stands up.

"Alright. Now, can everyone turn to the sheet?" That would be what was off. There is a huge sheet covering One wall. "One of our close family friends did this" ten bucks says it was Luca. "They decided that we need visual proof of our accaptance. And made this mural" they rip off the sheet and it's mural of... I can't explain it buts it's definitely Luca's work. It's beautiful. I stare at the words on it that I can't read because I'm blind. Everyone applauds as we order our food and drinks and make small talk with each of the staff members that pass and introduce them to Cas and Gabriel. We talk about things that have happened between visits and little miss Molly appears. Molly is an adorable eight year old little girl. She helps out her family around the diner all the time and we exchange hugs. She looks at Cas and Gabriel.

"I'm Molly. Are you two their boyfriends?" Cas and I make eye contact.

"Yea" he takes my hand. "We are" oh thank God. Gabriel gasps.

"Ship" he whispers, then takes Sam's hand himself and kisses it. "But yea. We are."

"Yay! I was hoping I could be the flowergirl at your wedding!" We all go emensly red. "Oh, and I saw you guys on the news forever ago. You saved a friend of mine." Oh wow that was forever ago. We smile and jeep the small talk with Molly going, she is quite intelligent for her age.

After about twenty minutes, she stops and looks at me.

"Dean, Luca is Transgender, correct? He is a guy in a girls body?" Okay not expecting that.

"Umm, sort of. Most of the time, yes. They feel as a male body would suit them better, other times both, or nothing, or they are... I don't want to say content because they still suffer dysphoria but, yes. Why?"

"Because I don't think I want those big things on my chest. I want to be like a guy, but at the school the boys bathroom was under renovations-" yes she is eight. "- and I saw a boy keeping a mini corndog in his pants and then I was told it was a part of him and I don't want that either-" we are trying not to die from laughing. "- but what if I'm actually supposed to be a boy not a girl because all my friends are boys and I don't really like playing with girls and I feel weird when people say I'm a girl." Oh okay. Not expecting that

"Well, have you told mom about this?" She shakes her head no. "Well you should, because she'll accept you. And there is a thing that will keep you from growing the... things on your chest, but it won't make you grow the other thing. You won't go through a voice change, or anything, or so I've heard. They are quite expensive if you get them prescribed, but are covered by insurance. It would certainly help, and they are reversible." She smiles at me. "Also, would you like us to use any different pronouns, or anything?"

"I don't know. I'll sleep on it. Thank you Bubbles." She hugs me and Sam and not to our boyfriends. I love that word.

"Bubbles?" Cas asks confused, and Gabriel asks mockingly.

"Shut up."

Chapter of fluff. Hope y'all like and I'm sorry it's so short and shit.

Peace and the apocalypse!

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