Chapter 20 *641 words*

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We are back home! We have two days until school starts back up. And Luca comes home tomorrow. Hopefully they are feeling better, though I know they probably wont.

There is a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." I say, detaching myself from Luci. I get over to the door and open it to reveal a girl with short brown hair, and a Doctor Who  sweater on with her scarf ties like Sherlock. "Hello?" The girl looks startled and she looks down at her phone. (Any guesses who she is??)

"Hi... um" she looks up from her phone and looks at me. "Are you, by any chance, - I mean do you know the uh, Winchesters? Sam and Dean?"

"They are my cousins. Why?"

"Are you Michael or Adam or someone else?" Ummmm... my hand slowly begins creeping to the back of my jeans... then I remember Lucifer took it out because it was poking him.

"I'm Michael."

"Okay." She takes a breath. "Hi, my name is Krista. I am a friend of Luca's and they told me to talk to you guys. I'll be coming to Lawrence after break. They said that if they weren't back by Christmas then to visit one of two addresses and this is one of them... I'm sorry I'll just go-" she says awkwardly. Aw, how cute? Too bad I'm hella gay and with Satan at the time? Wait... I have no remorse I'm happy as fuck. Westborough Baptist can suck it.

"Wait, stay. Come on in, I'll introduce you to everyone." She smiles at me as I welcome her in.

"BABE WHO IS IT IS IT GIRL SCOUTS GET ME THIN MINTS!!" three guesses who that was. I take Krista into the living room and see everyone but Cas.

"Where did the baby in a trenchcoat go?" I ask. Dean looks up. "Dean where is your boyfriend?"



"Who's the chick?" Luci snaps, eyeing her dirtily.

"Lucifer!" I snap. "Play nice!" Krista looks terrified. "Everyone this is Krista. One of Luca's many friends. Krista, this is-" as I introduce them they wave and I motion to them. -"and then Castiel is in the bathroom." She looks confused.

"I knew a Castiel. He was a giant dork and got me my first girlfriend." Huh. I guess the name is more popular than I thought...

"I've retur- who's this-? KRISTA???" Krista turns around to where Cas was standing in the doorway

"CASSIE!!" She jumps on him and they hug for a second.

"What hole were you stuck in that had terrible service because I haven't heard from you in two years!" Castiel practically screams at her.

"Phone calls go two ways!"

"You changed your number!!"

"I did?"

"Yes!" They look extremely happy and we all just look confused.

"Wait... this is the Krista? The one that helped with those pranks in eighth grade?" Dean asks.

'"Yea!" Well then...

"I'm going to pretend I know what that means and suggest we all go play laser tag!" Gabriel suggests. We look around and nod. "Krista can come to I guess."

"Gabe be nice."

"WHOA WAIT a minute." Krista says.
"Why are you in Kansas? I thought you were going to Colorado?"

"Right, yea. It's the same family, I've been adopted. But when marijuana was legalized we needed to get Satan over here away from drugs. That and seventeen people on a farm doesn't work out as well as you'd think..."

"What happened?" Cas and the other Novak's just glare at Lucifer.

"Someone" they all say together as Luci smiles mischievously. "Decided that not closing a gate properly would be hilarious. It was not, at the time. Gabe recorded it." Cas finishes.

"Yea yea LET'S GO!!"

and I am going to do third person for the next chapter because I fucking feel like it.

Love you guys

Ha, Nerd. (Destiel/Sabriel/Michifer/Brief Moments Of Adamdriel)Where stories live. Discover now