Namjoon Scenario

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Not enough. Always never enough. He sighs in despair.

Namjoon pocketed the singles and grabbed his jacket from the counter. The watch on his wrist ticked by. He was late for his little brother. The frozen wind gushed through the door as it opened, bringing goosebumps to crawl all over his skin. He tucked his beanie further down and wrestled his jacket, braving the winter to get to the other side of town.

"Your shift tomorrow is at six in the morning!" shrieked the store owner. Her shrill voice was carried away by the wind, echoing into the street.

She was never nice, Namjoon grumbled to himself. Every time that he begged for a later shift she would decline. After voicing his reason she would always say "Everyone in life has shit to deal with. Grow up." What a cruel woman.

Society passed by as he rushed against their energy. They were like fireflies, flitting from one spot to another, ignorant about the darkness within others. Everyone had their stories on this busy street. His was just not as important. Though it didn't stop him from feeling envious. He is human after all. Everyone desires the things they were not born with. Even if what they desired cost more than just money.

"Hyung!" Screamed the little boy in delight. He had his toothy grin as he ran over to Namjoon.

He chuckled. It was his small source of light, his firefly. Namjoon ruffled the little rascal's hair and carried him on his back. Besides his little brother and his mother, he had no one else in his life. He was grateful enough. It was not as if he could afford another mouth to feed.

Their walks home was always comforting. Listening to the sweet innocence of a child gave Namjoon a taste of optimism in his bleak life. He forgot what it felt to be pure on the inside, oblivious to the money-hungry world they lived in. It was a burden he gladly carried to save his brother from.

"Ah hyung, I'm hungry ..." the little boy pouted.  "Eomma didn't have enough money for my school lunch." 

It was bitter to hear it. Namjoon's heart cracked, tears almost spilling from the corner of his eyes. Nothing else would hurt more than to hear the plea of his brother. He cleared his throat before his brother could see it. 

"Aishh..." he chuckled. "You're eating so much now, you know that?"

"I'm a growing boy that's why!" his brother said proudly.

Namjoon sighs. "Yah, I just remembered. I got a bonus from the noona. How about we celebrate with chicken hm?"

His heart soared at the sound of his brother's excitement. He could work extra hours tomorrow to pay the bills, he doesn't mind it. Anything for his happiness.


*edited from my tumblr post. since it is wattpad, I made it a little longer

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