Decisions - reader x Namjoon

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Chapter 2

He saw her waving at him as he manoeuvred around the tables. She had a huge smile on her face so it meant that she hasn't received his confession.

"I can't thank you enough! You have no idea the amount of struggles I had today because of this wallet," she giggled gleefully as she embraced his tall frame.

Ah, how is he suppose to break the news, he thought to himself. He never liked to be the bearer of bad news and most certainly to ruin her day. Namjoon waited until she had told him of her day and after they had ordered lunch. He took his time to calm his nerves down before delivering the news.

"Listen while I was in your apa-"

"Oh! Wait before you say anything, look at this!" she interrupted him. She was holding up a picture of a dress on her phone. "This is a Givenchy dress. Givenchy. Can you even believe it? He bought it for me for tonight's dinner!"

Her face was glowing with happiness as she gushed on and on about the dress and how pricey it was. "I feel so lucky to have him...God, I love him to death."

Namjoon froze in his seat. Love...She loved him. His heart shattered into a million pieces just hearing those words. He was lost. What was he supposed to do? Tell her the truth about her beloved boyfriend and ruin her relationship or keep quiet, possibly betraying her hard work?

"I'm sorry I cut you off," she chuckled. "You said something about the time you were in my apartment?" Her eyes were round and innocent, looking at him with such pure beauty.

"I" he stammered. "It's uh just that your room. It was messy. Like honestly, you're a girl and I have a cleaner room than you." He timidly smiled.

He couldn't do it. Not to her. But part of him hated it that he chose not to say a word. Then he wondered, would he want someone to say that the person he loved was about to steal a song he composed? It was all too much for him.

"That is not possible. I clean my entire apartment every day! I've you-"

Her phone rang.

"Hold that thought for me," she said as she left the table to answer the call.

The entire situation was shit. Why did he have to be in the middle of all this? Before she ended her call, he left.'s better that she didn't know. He sighed, disappointed in himself.

Namjoon laid down in the sand and listened to the waves crashing. His eyes were closed, trying hard to calm himself down. Despite the calming atmosphere, he was still having a battle in his mind. Hours passed and slowly the sky dimmed. He watches the sun set into ocean's horizon as his pencil scribble across his notepad.

Then, his phone rang.

"You left without saying goodbye..." her voiced trailed.

"I'm sorry." Those were the only words he managed.

"The call I got...That was him. He told me everything," her voice cracked.

Namjoon stayed silent as he watched the ocean engulfing the fiery star.

"When you came to see me, why didn't you tell me about him?" she asked.


"I wanted to...but I couldn't," he whispered. "Not when you said you loved him. I didn't want to destroy it for you."

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