BTS Metahuman AU

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Part 7/ ?

"I'm telling you! We should go to Rio!"

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"I'm telling you! We should go to Rio!"

Yoongi kept his head down, slowly distancing himself from the young boy jumping around. They were in the middle of the street filled with a million people in broad daylight and Jimin was catching as much attention as possible, earning glares and stares. He was already standing out like a sore thumb with his fluffy pink bubblegum pink hair and flashy clothes.

"Tokyo's fine for me. If you want to leave, be my guest. I don't need a pink haired troll trailing after me," Yoongi grumbled as he tucked his cap further down. If only he could teleport himself out of here, he'd do it in a heartbeat.

He continued to walk, hoping he'd get lost in the crowd and by the miracle of Gods, Jimin would disappear. The crowd of people got thicker and thicker as Yoongi tried to worm his way around; bony elbows and hard shoulders kept getting into his way. He finally looked up in frustration and realised that the people weren't moving. They were frozen like statues, face motionless and arms hung in the air. Cars on the streets stood still while birds in the air solidify midway of their flight.

"Yoongi! What's happening? Why are they not moving?" Jimin yelled.

Fuck, Yoongi thought. A bundle of curses bubbled out of his lips as he made his way to the hysterical boy. He had only seen this happen once and Yoongi knew what would come after. Or more specifically who.

He grabs onto Jimin's wrists and started pulling him out of the streets. "We need to get out of here." Yoongi's heart started racing at the thought of seeing the ghosts of his old friends.

"What's going on Yoongi?" Jimin asks as his eyes dart around, still shocked by the frozen people. He feels a burning sensation on his wrist and he immediately yanks his sleeve up to find that the symbol was lighting up, more than usual.


His name sounded foreign in his own ears.

"Yoongi, please," the voiced begged. It sounded soft and longing with a hint of something broken.

Jimin turns around and gasps as he tugs on Yoongi's shirt. "Yoongi, there are people walking towards us."

With his jaws locked, he turns around like a creaking wheel. It was slow, painful and heavy. The air was knocked out of his lungs as his eyes fall on an older man with broad shoulders. His homely face took Yoongi back into the past where he used to be a street rat. He was about to call out Jin's name when he noticed the second figure behind him. That man was taller by an inch, skin the colour of caramel and that obnoxious black framed glasses.

"What is he doing here?" Yoongi spat as he pointed a finger at Namjoon. He gritted his teeth with his eyes blazing red. No amount of decades can make Yoongi apologise to that prick.

Namjoon flinched at the spiteful words. If it wasn't obvious enough, the two had friction and neither of them would back down. It was a complete mess of misunderstandings that blew out of proportions within seconds. Jin approached the pair with surrendering hands.

"Just listen, please. We wouldn't be here if we absolutely didn't need your help," Jin pleaded. He paused, letting Yoongi get comfortable with their sudden appearance. A glimpse of hesitation flickered on his face before he continued.

"We found the seventh." It was barely a whisper but Yoongi heard it loud and clear. He knew what those words meant. He knew why they were here. And Yoongi wanted no part in it.

He shook his head with a chuckled. "No way in hell." Yoongi grabs onto a lost Jimin and teleports them out of the streets. Only this time, they didn't arrive at a new location. There was no puff of black smoke or the usual dizziness in the head. Yoongi opened his eyes only to find that they were stuck on the same damn street.

"Yoongi," Jimin whimpers. "I can't move my legs. I can't move." The worrisome look in his eyes brought light onto his innocence.

"Taehyung!" Yoongi hissed as his eyes searched for the lanky boy. Fuck him and his telekinesis.

From the shadows out came two boys, clinging onto each other. They had similar builds but it was evident that the brown haired boy was more muscular.

"I'm not letting you go this time," Taehyung said firmly as he shakes his head. "This is important, trust me."

"My mind hasn't changed Taehyungie. I don't care about the fucking legend or out stupid destiny. I just want to live!"

Taehyung bristled when Yoongi used his pet name. It was so personal to him that to hear it after so long got him trembling. His heart had soared when he saw a glance of Yoongi on the streets, clad in all black. But when he saw that his friend was with another guy, bubbly and pink, jealousy strung on his chords.

"And so does the other guy Yoongi!" he yells. "I'm pretty sure he wants to live too. Free of restraints and free from being a fucking lab rat!"

Taken back by Taehyung's outburst, he asks, "What are you talking about?"

Jin finally steps closer, his voice still as soft and silky like Yoongi remembered. "That's why we came. The 7th, he's captured by some facility we don't know about. It's here, in Tokyo."

Yoongi feels himself getting pulled something he wants no part of. It was no lie that he was a stubborn fucker who stood for his strong opinions. There was a reason why he didn't want them to come together. The questions have been nagging at the back of his head.

What if the whole legend was a lie? What if they came together and nothing happens? What if their existence held no significance and they were merely a figment of life's mutation?

Yoongi feels Jimin's grip on his arm tightens. "I want to help." His voice was tainted with purity as he urges Yoongi with a nod. 

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