Cause You Love Me and I Love You

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                             's another Yoonmin fic heh oops. I was inspired by Jimin's Serendipity and I had to write this out. *wrote this while listening to the song on replay. so if you want to put in extra feels, I suggest you read it while having the song play in the background*

Summary: While Jimin's clueless about how Yoongi feels, Yoongi writes a song for him to show him how he really feels. 


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The tick of the second-hand on the clock fills the studio as Yoongi gnaws on his bottom lip. His fingers were busy tapping on the desk, impatiently waiting for the digital time on his computer to change. Just a few more seconds till 12 am and the trailer will be out. The screen of his computer was currently flashing Big Hit's official YouTube page, still showing no signs of the new music video.

As soon as the digital numbers flip, he sits upright and starts refreshing the page, eyes staring intensely at the bright screen. He jolts in anticipation when he finally sees the new icon.

"Beautiful," he whispers to himself as his lips tug into a smile.

With trembling hands, he braces himself and clicks on it. He hadn't realized how hard his heart was beating in his chest until he hears it echoing in his ears. The first notes of the song start and were followed by Jimin's voice, soft and hushed like he was whispering the lyrics right to him. He was under a spell in a matter of seconds, his mouth agape with wide eyes. Every word Jimin sang it pulled him closer to the screen.

God, how much Yoongi loved his voice, keening into it. So light and feathery, so sweet and angelic. It was a blessing to fill his studio with Jimin's beautiful voice. Yoongi's breath was caught in his throat when a scene of Jimin in bed, covered in white sheets came on. His yellow blonde hair contrasted perfectly with his dark brows and pink lips. Jimin looked, simply put, stunning and it was getting his cheeks slightly red. To this day, he still questions how Jimin could look so beautiful that it hurts his heart.

"Love me now, touch now," sang Jimin.

Yoongi closes his eyes and lets Jimin's voice caress him as he sings the last verse. He knew that this song was going to go on replay on his phone for the next few weeks. The song was playing so pleasingly in his ears that he hadn't noticed his studio door opening and closing. It was only when he felt two arms snaking around his neck that he realized, he wasn't alone. Without the need to open his eyes, he smiles wide, feeling his favorite plump lips touching the skin on his neck. It was searing hot where his lips left wet kisses.

"Just let me love you," the soft lips sang along to his clone on the screen. "Just let me love you."

When did he get so lucky?



Jimin looks in the mirror, his eyes scouring every detail on his face, trying to find a glimpse of imperfection. He doesn't know why he does it every time he looks in the mirror. Maybe it was for the fact that he'd find a flaw each and every time that it became an addictive habit. It doesn't matter what it is - it could be the slant of his eyes, the extra fat on his belly, his puffy cheeks or the faint scars on his skin - each day was different. He wouldn't cry about it, no...all he does is stare at it with a stoic face, unsure of what to think.

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