I Don't Do Weddings

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Part 4 (finale) - Pink Hair And All

Yoongi woke up the next morning with a pounding head

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Yoongi woke up the next morning with a pounding head. Apparently, he had drunk a whole bottle of Champagne to sleep despite his pledge of avoiding it. That night, he dreamt of a pink haired boy whose giggled sounded like a bell ringing and whose smile brought warmth to him. It felt so real that Yoongi didn't know if it actually happened or if his dreams suddenly got so vivid.

"Die, motherfucker! Die! Oh, you son of - mother of god help me you cumguzzlers!"

He groans in bed as he rubs his face, willing for the dream to come back. Unfortunately, the stream of cursing knocked on his door and slapped him right in the face. Yoongi instantly regretted agreeing to room with Jungkook and Hoseok. When Namjoon and Jin were settling the rooming situation, they asked if he was okay sleeping in 3 room suite with the younger boys. They said that all the single rooms were booked so that was their only choice. Being the considerate friend he was, he said yes.

Yoongi had totally forgotten about Jungkook's gaming addiction. That boy brought his entire getup everywhere - literally. With a hungover brain, Yoongi crawls out of bed to find that he was still dressed in the button up white shirt from last night. His reflection in the mirror was horrifying, to say the least. Red eyes, drool stain, messy hair and his black boxers peeking out from under the shirt. He looked like one of Hoseok's one night stand, tip-toeing out of their apartment at 12 in the afternoon.

"Grandpa! You're awake!" Jungkook yelled out without leaving sight of the screen. Considering the fact that his ears were blocked with the headphones, his voice was triple the loudness he intended. And to a hungover person, that was times 10 too loud.

"Agh, fuck stop screaming!" Yoongi wails out as he covers his ears. His plea was directed to no one because Jungkook had ignored it, focusing back on his game.

At least the kid had the decency to make coffee. And if he was anything like his older brother, it would taste horrible. But thankfully, he wasn't and the coffee tasted amazing. Yoongi drowned himself with the bitter goodness and poured himself another cup.

"Aye! Great that you're up!" Hoseok greeted brightly. Another loud pang in Yoongi's ears. He shies away from the taller boy's hug and huddled into the corner of the couch. Nope, no human contact for him when he's just risen from the dead.

"I ordered breakfast and it's on its way up," Hoseok informed him as he plops down. Just as Yoongi parted his lips, he said, "3 waffles and a slice of pancake, butter melted on top, whipped cream and syrup on the side and a small bowl of baked oatmeals. Milk not too hot, not too cold."

They exchanged finger guns at how Hoseok was able to get Yoongi's breakfast order right. After having lived in an apartment right above a cafe for 5 years, it was practically religion to know each other's breakfast preference.

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